The dubuque electricity portal: evaluation of a city-scale residential electricity consumption feedback system

T Erickson, M Li, Y Kim, A Deshpande, S Sahu… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
This paper describes the Dubuque Electricity Portal, a city-scale system aimed at supporting
voluntary reductions of electricity consumption. The Portal provided each household with …

Studying always-on electricity feedback in the home

Y Riche, J Dodge, RA Metoyer - … of the SIGCHI Conference on Human …, 2010 -
The recent emphasis on sustainability has made consumers more aware of their
responsibility for saving resources, in particular, electricity. Consumers can better …

Using mobile phones to support sustainability: a field study of residential electricity consumption

J Kjeldskov, MB Skov, J Paay… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
Recent focus on sustainability has made consumers more aware of our joint responsibility
for conserving energy resources such as electricity. However, reducing electricity use can be …

Behavioral science-informed technology interventions for change in residential energy consumption

M Crowley, A Heitz, A Matta, K Mori… - CHI'11 Extended Abstracts …, 2011 -
Behavior change represents an important new approach to addressing the energy crisis.
Utility companies and private companies are deploying sensor-based power meters and …

Cultivating energy literacy: results from a longitudinal living lab study of a home energy management system

T Schwartz, S Denef, G Stevens, L Ramirez… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
This paper presents results of a three-year research project focused on the emplacement of
Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) in a living lab setting with seven households …

Watt-i-see: A tangible visualization of energy

F Quintal, C Jorge, V Nisi, N Nunes - Proceedings of the International …, 2016 -
This paper describes a tangible visualization that explores the link between the impact of
energy feedback on household consumers and the resource demand impact on energy …

Feedback on electricity usage for home energy management: A social experiment in a local village of cold region

K Matsui, H Ochiai, Y Yamagata - Applied energy, 2014 - Elsevier
To mitigate global warming, it is essential for households to reduce CO 2 emissions. Saving
electricity is one solution for the reduction. To promote this reduction, saving electricity by …

Power and energy visualization for the micro-management of household electricity consumption

P Monigatti, M Apperley, B Rogers - Proceedings of the International …, 2010 -
The paper describes a pilot system for the detailed management of domestic electricity
consumption aimed at minimizing demand peaks and consumer cost. Management …

Investigating the impact of a minimalist in-home energy consumption display

TJ Yun - CHI'09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in …, 2009 -
We investigated the impact of a minimal in-home Energy Consumption Display (ECD), both
stationary and portable versions, on household energy awareness and consumption. We …

Home energy consumption feedback: A user survey

D Bonino, F Corno, L De Russis - Energy and Buildings, 2012 - Elsevier
Buildings account for a relevant fraction of the energy consumed by a country, up to 20-40%
of the yearly energy consumption. If only electricity is considered, the fraction is even bigger …