Distant freehand pointing and clicking on very large, high resolution displays

D Vogel, R Balakrishnan - Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM …, 2005 - dl.acm.org
We explore the design space of freehand pointing and clicking interaction with very large
high resolution displays from a distance. Three techniques for gestural pointing and two for …

Interacting with large displays from a distance with vision-tracked multi-finger gestural input

S Malik, A Ranjan, R Balakrishnan - … of the 18th annual ACM symposium …, 2005 - dl.acm.org
We explore the idea of using vision-based hand tracking over a constrained tabletop surface
area to perform multi-finger and whole-hand gestural interactions with large displays from a …

Multi-finger and whole hand gestural interaction techniques for multi-user tabletop displays

M Wu, R Balakrishnan - Proceedings of the 16th annual ACM symposium …, 2003 - dl.acm.org
Recent advances in sensing technology have enabled a new generation of tabletop
displays that can sense multiple points of input from several users simultaneously. However …

High-precision pointing on large wall displays using small handheld devices

M Nancel, O Chapuis, E Pietriga, XD Yang… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Rich interaction with high-resolution wall displays is not limited to remotely pointing at
targets. Other relevant types of interaction include virtual navigation, text entry, and direct …

Charade: remote control of objects using free-hand gestures

T Baudel, M Beaudouin-Lafon - Communications of the ACM, 1993 - dl.acm.org
Computer-based presentations have several advantages over slides and overheads. The
order of the presentation is not fixed, the production process is simpler, and last-minute …

Imaginary interfaces: spatial interaction with empty hands and without visual feedback

S Gustafson, D Bierwirth, P Baudisch - Proceedings of the 23nd annual …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Screen-less wearable devices allow for the smallest form factor and thus the maximum
mobility. However, current screen-less devices only support buttons and gestures. Pointing …

Interactions in the air: adding further depth to interactive tabletops

O Hilliges, S Izadi, AD Wilson, S Hodges… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Although interactive surfaces have many unique and compelling qualities, the interactions
they support are by their very nature bound to the display surface. In this paper we present a …

Combining multiple depth cameras and projectors for interactions on, above and between surfaces

AD Wilson, H Benko - Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Instrumented with multiple depth cameras and projectors, LightSpace is a small room
installation designed to explore a variety of interactions and computational strategies related …

Visual touchpad: a two-handed gestural input device

S Malik, J Laszlo - Proceedings of the 6th international conference on …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents the Visual Touchpad, a low-cost vision-based input device that allows
for fluid two-handed interactions with desktop PCs, laptops, public kiosks, or large wall …

Virtual projection: exploring optical projection as a metaphor for multi-device interaction

D Baur, S Boring, S Feiner - Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
Handheld optical projectors provide a simple way to overcome the limited screen real-estate
on mobile devices. We present virtual projection (VP), an interaction metaphor inspired by …