HW Slocum - Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, 1956 - civilwarlibrary.org
GENERAL SHERMAN'S army commenced its march from" Atlanta to the Sea" on the morning of November 15th, and arrived in front of the defenses of Savannah on the 10th of …
In November, 1864, Major General William Tecumseh Sherman led an army of veteran Union troops through the heart of the Confederacy, leaving behind a path of destruction in …
THE VERY NATURE OF THE ISSUES addressed in this work have dictated the extensive use of both primary and secondary sources. This is not a biography of William Sherman …
HN Monnett - Civil War History, 1962 - muse.jhu.edu
Many eye-witness accounts exist of the inexorable march of Gen-eral William T. Sherman's army through South and North Carolina in early 1865, but none is more vigorously told than …
JF Rhodes - The American Historical Review, 1901 - JSTOR
Slherman's March to the Sea 467 knew his men and comprehended the conditions, he could lay no claim to success unless Thomas should defeat Hood. Therein, as the affair turned out …
THE Campaign of GENERAL SHERMAN in the West and South, which is treated of in the following pages, will be accorded a place in history as the most important of the entire war …
It would be difficult to exaggerate the influence of The Personal Memoirs of W. T Sherman, Written by Himselfon both popular and professional conceptions of the Civil War.'Ever since …
One day during the siege of Vicksburg in 1863, Union general William Tecumseh Sherman went riding to inspect his outposts. He encountered a Confederate woman, a prewar …