Frequency shift in the reflection coefficient from a gas of two-level resonant atoms

R Friedberg, SR Hartman, JT Manassah - Optics communications, 1990 - Elsevier
We propose that selective reflectivity at a glass-gas interface be used to measure the elusive
frequency shift associated with the self-broadening of a gas of two-level atoms. We find that …

Intensity-dependent spectral reflectivity of a dense-gas–dielectric interface

R Friedberg, SR Hartmann, JT Manassah - Physical Review A, 1990 - APS
Intense light incident on a dense-gas–dielectric interface, from the dielectric side, is reflected
because of the combined effect of the discontinuities in the index of refraction at the interface …

Selective reflection from a dense atomic vapor

J Guo, J Cooper, A Gallagher - Physical Review A, 1996 - APS
A theory of selective reflection (SR) of a light beam from the interface of a dielectric medium
and a dense atomic vapor is presented. Following another earlier work on this subject [J …

Evanescent wave spectroscopy of sublevel resonances near a glass/vapor interface

D Suter, J Äbersold, J Mlynek - Optics communications, 1991 - Elsevier
We report the observation of atomic sublevel coherence from a quasi-twodimensional region
of atomic Na vapor near a glass surface. The ground state coherences are excited with a …

Theory of selective reflection spectroscopy

J Guo, J Cooper, A Gallagher, M Lewenstein - Optics communications, 1994 - Elsevier
We present a calculation of selective reflection spectroscopy, in which the reflection
coefficient of a light beam from the interface of a dielectric and an atomic vapor is evaluated …

Selective reflection from a vapor of three-level atoms

G Nienhuis, F Schuller - Physical Review A, 1994 - APS
We study internal selective reflection from a dielectric-vapor interface, where three levels of
the vapor atoms in a Λ configuration are connected by two light frequencies. The reflectivity …

General theory of frequency modulated selective reflection. Influence of atom surface interactions

M Ducloy, M Fichet - Journal de Physique II, 1991 -
We calculate the modulation of the reflection coefficient for a frequency-modulated (FM) light
beam incident on the interface between a dielectric and an atomic vapor. The vapor is …

Narrow dip inside a natural linewidth absorption profile in a system of two atoms

AA Makarov - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
Absorption spectrum of a system of two closely spaced identical atoms displays, at certain
preparation, a dip that can be much narrower than the natural linewidth. This preparation …

Frequency shifts in resonant systems

R Friedberg, SR Hartmann, JT Manassah - Physics Letters A, 1971 - Elsevier
We calculate the frequency shift due to resonant interaction between identical radiating
atoms. We give numerical results for particular geometries. In some cases the shift exceeds …

Spectral narrowing of selective reflection

MFH Schuurmans - Journal de Physique, 1976 -
A theory for the spectral narrowing of selective reflection near a resonance line of an atomic
vapor is developed. The narrowing is ascribed to transient polarization behaviour of vapor …