Fibre-based source of femtosecond pulses tunable from 1.0 to 1.3 µm

H Lim, J Buckley, A Chong, FW Wise - Electronics Letters, 2004 - IET
Tunable short-pulse generation in the spectral range 1030–1330 nm with an all-fibre source
is demonstrated. A compact system with a femtosecond Yb fibre oscillator and a photonic …

High power tunable femtosecond soliton source using hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber, and its use for frequency doubling

F Gérôme, P Dupriez, J Clowes, JC Knight… - Optics …, 2008 -
We report a high power tunable femtosecond soliton-based source using a simple
combination of fiber-amplified pulses at 1064nm and hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber …

Tunable, femtosecond pulse source operating in the range 1.06–1.33 µm based on an Yb3+-doped holey fiber amplifier

JHV Price, K Furusawa, TM Monro, L Lefort… - JOSA B, 2002 -
We report soliton pulse formation and amplification and soliton-self-frequency shifting in an
anomalously dispersive, Yb^ 3+-doped holey fiber amplifier seeded with pulses from an Yb …

A tunable, femtosecond pulse source operating in the range 1.06-1.33 microns based on an Yb doped holey fiber amplifier

JHV Price, K Furasawa, TM Monro… - … of papers presented …, 2001 -
Summary form only given. Wavelength tunable femtosecond optical pulse sources have
applications in areas as diverse as ultrafast spectroscopy, materials processing …

Wavelength tunable high-repetition-rate picosecond and femtosecond pulse sources based on highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber

KS Abedin, F Kubota - IEEE Journal of selected topics in …, 2004 -
We demonstrate an actively mode-locked dispersion-managed erbium fiber laser and a
Raman soliton wavelength converter that use photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) as the nonlinear …

1.0–1.7-m Wavelength-Tunable Ultrashort-Pulse Generation Using Femtosecond Yb-Doped Fiber Laser and Photonic Crystal Fiber

J Takayanagi, T Sugiura, M Yoshida… - IEEE photonics …, 2006 -
A widely wavelength-tunable ultrashort-pulse fiber-laser source has been demonstrated
using a high-power mode-locked ytterbium (Yb)-doped fiber laser and a highly nonlinear …

Yb: fiber laser-based, spectrally coherent and efficient generation of femtosecond 1.3-μm pulses from a fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths

Y Yao, GP Agrawal, WH Knox - Optics letters, 2015 -
We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental characterization of spectral
coherence properties of wavelength conversion inside photonic crystal fibers with two zero …

Widely tunable 70-MHz near-infrared source of ultrashort pulses based on a mode-locked ytterbium laser and a photonic-crystal fiber

DA Sidorov-Biryukov, KA Kudinov… - Laser Physics …, 2010 -
Soliton self-frequency shift in a highly nonlinear photonic-crystal fiber is shown to enable an
efficient wavelength conversion of 100-fs 70-MHz output of a solid-state ytterbium laser …

Generation of intense 100 fs solitons tunable from 2 to 4.3 μm in fluoride fiber

Y Tang, LG Wright, K Charan, T Wang, C Xu, FW Wise - Optica, 2016 -
There is great interest in sources of coherent radiation in the mid-wave infrared (3–5 μm),
and instruments based on fiber can offer major practical advantages. This range, and much …

Microjoule-level all-polarization-maintaining femtosecond fiber source

T Schreiber, CK Nielsen, B Ortac, J Limpert… - Optics letters, 2006 -
We report on a high-power, high-energy femtosecond fiber source based on direct
amplification of parabolic pulses from an environmentally stable passively mode-locked fiber …