[HTML][HTML] Distorted low-level visual features affect saliency-based visual attention

H Bahmani, S Wahl - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Image distortions can attract attention away from the natural scene saliency (Redi et al.,
2011). Performance of viewers in visual search tasks and their fixation patterns are also …

[HTML][HTML] An improved saliency model of visual attention dependent on image content

S Novin, A Fallah, S Rashidi, MR Daliri - Frontiers in Human …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Many visual attention models have been presented to obtain the saliency of a scene, ie, the
visually significant parts of a scene. However, some mechanisms are still not taken into …

[PDF][PDF] Object-based saliency as a predictor of attention in visual tasks

M Dziemianko, A Clarke, F Keller - … of the Annual Meeting of the …, 2013 - escholarship.org
The top-down guidance of visual attention is an important factor allowing humans to
effectively process incoming visual information. Our understanding of the processes …

Neural Correlates of High-Level Visual Saliency Models

A Kroner, M Senden, R Goebel - bioRxiv, 2023 - biorxiv.org
Visual saliency highlights regions in a scene that are most relevant to an observer. The
process by which a saliency map is formed has been a crucial subject of investigation in …

The effect of distortions on the prediction of visual attention

MS Gide, SF Dodge, LJ Karam - arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03882, 2016 - arxiv.org
Existing saliency models have been designed and evaluated for predicting the saliency in
distortion-free images. However, in practice, the image quality is affected by a host of factors …

[HTML][HTML] Visual attention model based on statistical properties of neuron responses

H Duan, X Wang - Scientific reports, 2015 - nature.com
Visual attention is a mechanism of the visual system that can select relevant objects from a
specific scene. Interactions among neurons in multiple cortical areas are considered to be …

Visual attention modeling based on short-term environmental adaption

X Sun, H Yao, R Ji - Journal of visual communication and image …, 2013 - Elsevier
Visual attention modeling is crucial for interpreting the structure and functionality of human
vision system. A typical computational model of visual attention includes two basic elements …

Do Deep-Learning Saliency Models Really Model Saliency?

P Kong, M Mancas, N Thuon, S Kheang… - 2018 25th IEEE …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Visual attention allows the human visual system to effectively deal with the huge flow of
visual information acquired by the retina. Since the years 2000, the human visual system …

[图书][B] Visual saliency estimation A pre-attentive cognitive and context-aware approach

AS Danko - 2015 - search.proquest.com
At each glance, biological vision systems organize a tremendous amount of input and fixate
attention to the prominent aspects of a scene. The diverse models seeking to emulate these …

Improving neural saliency prediction with a cognitive model of human visual attention

E Sood, L Shi, M Bortoletto, Y Wang… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - escholarship.org
We present a novel method for deep image saliency prediction that leverages a cognitive
model of visual attention as an inductive bias. This is in stark contrast to recent purely data …