Effect of response programming on hemispheric differences in lexical decision

G Measso, E Zaidel - Neuropsychologia, 1990 - Elsevier
A lateralized tachistoscopic lexical decision task with concrete nouns and orthographically
regular nonwords was administered to normal subjects in three conditions using unimanual …

The effect of response mode on lateralized lexical decision performance

SA Weems, E Zaidel - Neuropsychologia, 2005 - Elsevier
We examined the effect of manipulations of response programming, ie post-lexical decision
making requirements, on lateralized lexical decision. Although response hand …

Hemispheric asymmetry in lexical access and phonological encoding

C Barry - Neuropsychologia, 1981 - Elsevier
In a lexical decision task, a right visual field (RVF) advantage was found for all types of
stimuli, irrespective of right-or left-handed responding, and nonwords displayed a clear …

The effects of word length and emotionality on hemispheric contribution to lexical decision

Z Eviatar, E Zaidel - Neuropsychologia, 1991 - Elsevier
The effects of emotionality and length on lateralized lexical decision of abstract nouns were
investigated in 41 normal and three commissurotomized subjects. Emotionality had the …

Evidence for different types of lexical representations in the cerebral hemispheres

O Koenig, C Wetzel, A Caramazza - Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1992 - Taylor & Francis
Forty right-handed, neurologically intact adults performed a lexical decision task with stimuli
presented to the left visual field (right hemisphere) or to the right visual field (left …

Reading disability and hemispheric interaction on a lexical decision task

BJ Rutherford - Brain and Cognition, 2006 - Elsevier
The assumptions tested were that the relative contribution of each hemisphere to reading
alters with experience and that experience increases suppression of the simultaneous use …

The effects of word imageability and frequency on hemispheric asymmetry in lexical decisions

PA McMullen, MP Bryden - Brain and Language, 1987 - Elsevier
A lexical decision task determined if highly imageable words are lexically represented in
both the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Stimuli were unilaterally presented in both …

Hemispheric independence in word recognition: Evidence from unilateral and bilateral presentations

M Iacoboni, E Zaidel - Brain and language, 1996 - Elsevier
We compared behavioral laterality effect in a lexical decision task using cued unilateral or
bilateral presentations of different stimuli to normal subjects. The goals were to determine …

Lexical decision, visual hemifield and angle of orientation

H Babkoff, M Faust, M Lavidor - Neuropsychologia, 1997 - Elsevier
Varying the orientation of word or nonword target stimuli from 0° to 90° in a lexical decision–
visual hemifield task results in an increase in RT and a decrease in accuracy and d′. RVF …

Lexical decisions in the right and left cerebral hemispheres

L Leiber - Brain and Language, 1976 - Elsevier
Subjects performed a lexical decision task in which letter-strings were presented unilaterally
and tachistoscopically to the right and left visual fields. Four types of letter-strings were used …