Wajah Agama dalam Tradisi Pelet Bettheng Masyarakat Madura

Z Rahem - … of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars, 2017 - proceedings.kopertais4.or.id
Strong building a community is cultural. Humans can not be separated from the culture
created. Every generation has its cultural achievements of each. The cultural movement …

Telaah Islamic Studies atas Tradisi Pelet Bettheng Masyarakat Desa Pajudan Daleman dan Rombasan Sumenep Madura

Z Rahem - Akademika: Jurnal Keagamaan dan …, 2017 - ejournal.kampusmelayu.ac.id
Strong building a community is cultural. Humans can not be separated from the culture
created. Every generation has its cultural achievements of each. The cultural movement …

[PDF][PDF] Madura dan Kearifan Budaya Lokalnya

L QADARIYAH, J SUSANTIN - AHSANA MEDIA: Jurnal Pemikiran …, 2020 - core.ac.uk
There are two local cultures in Madura, the first, Taneyan Lanjhang is a group of houses
(traditional settlements) in which it is inhabited by one or one of the descendants and the …

Teologi Tahajjud Pemikiran Prof. Dr. Moh. Sholeh Melawan Mitos Sangkal di Kalangan Masyarakat Kabupaten Sumenep Madura

Z Rahem - Palapa, 2017 - ejournal.stitpn.ac.id
The community formed by the trappings of culture. The birth of a sense of cultural initiative,
creativity, and initiative of human social life. Each community in various regions has its own …

Tembhang macapat dalam tradisi Islami masyarakat Madura

E Susanto - IBDA: Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya, 2016 - ejournal.uinsaizu.ac.id
This article is about to describe Tembhang Macapat in the tradition of Madurese people,
particularly in the village of Larangan Luar that is located in Larangan district of Pamekasan …

Akulturasi Nilai Budaya Islam Dalam Upacara Pelet Betteng di Madura

A Putri, W Hariyadi, M Zakiyah - Islamic Insights Journal, 2022 - islamicinsights.ub.ac.id
This study aims to describe the acculturation of Islamic cultural values​​ which include
processions, the meaning of tools and materials, and the social values​​ of the Notonegoro …

Pesantren Desa Pegayaman, Meleburnya Jagat Bali Dalam Kearifan Islam

MM Abadi - KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture, 2012 - ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id
Tidak seperti desa-desa Bali lainnya, semua warga Pegayaman adalah orang-orang Islam
yang taat, dan mereka adalah orang Bali asli. Mereka menyebut dirinya dengan sebutan …

Islam dan kearifan budaya lokal: Studi terhadap tradisi penghormatan arwah leluhur masyarakat Jawa

E Arsadani - ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2012 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract Islam and Java for Indonesia are like two wings of a bird. It's like opposite each
other impressed even hostile. Even been divided into two, namely students and Javanese, is …

Character Values in Palangkahan Tradition In The West Sumatra Community

Z Yani, A Putra, IM Basa - IBDA: Jurnal Kajian Islam dan …, 2021 - ejournal.uinsaizu.ac.id
This paper discusses the character values that were taken from the palangkahan tradition.
The Palangkahan tradition that exists in West Sumatera society originates from the …