[PDF][PDF] Social media in crisis management-The iSAR+ project survey.

A Flizikowski, W Holubowicz, A Stachowicz… - ISCRAM, 2014 - idl.iscram.org
Social media together with still growing social media communities has become a powerful
and promising solution in crisis and emergency management. Previous crisis events have …

Social media and emergency services?: Interview study on current and potential use in 7 European countries

C Reuter, T Ludwig, T Friberg… - International Journal of …, 2015 - igi-global.com
Social media is much just used for private as well as business purposes, obviously, also
during emergencies. Emergency services are often confronted with the amount of …

The role of social media in crisis: A European holistic approach to the adoption of online and mobile communications in crisis response and search and rescue efforts

M Manso, B Manso - Strategic intelligence management, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstracts: Worldwide crises have drawn significant attention to the role information
communication technologies play in crisis and search and rescue response efforts, due to …

Social media analysis in crisis situations: Can social media be a reliable information source for emergency management services?

MB Lazreg, NR Chakraborty, S Stieglitz… - 27th International …, 2018 - research.ed.ac.uk
Learning and understanding what happened before, during, and after a crisis is extremely
important for the improvement of the response process. For this purpose, social media has …

Making use of new media for pan-european crisis communication

S Nilsson, J Brynielsson, M Granåsen… - … Systems for Crisis …, 2012 - diva-portal.org
Social or new media have over the past years become an integrated part of human
communication, both as a means to establish and maintain social relationships, but also as …

[PDF][PDF] Social media applications in crisis interaction

K Rainer, V Grubmüller, I Pejic, K Götsch… - … : connecting matter, life …, 2013 - academia.edu
Social media applications are increasingly widespread in modern societies. Internet use and
mobile access to information, social networks, entertainment and services are and will be …

Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe

C Reuter, T Spielhofer - Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2017 - Elsevier
Social media is increasingly being used during emergencies. Most available studies are
focused on how citizens and/or authorities use these technologies in concrete events …

[PDF][PDF] Social Media for Emergency Management: Opportunities and Challenges at the Intersection of Research and Practice.

V Lorini, C Castillo, S Peterson, P Rufolo, H Purohit… - ISCRAM, 2021 - idl.iscram.org
This paper summarizes key opportunities and challenges identified during the workshop
“Social Media for Disaster Risk Management: Researchers Meet Practitioners” which took …

Informing crisis alerts using social media: Best practices and proof of concept

J Brynielsson, M Granåsen, S Lindquist… - … of contingencies and …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Social media has become an integrated part of human communication, both as a means to
establish and maintain social relationships, and as a means of sharing and co‐creating …

A framework to identify best practices: Social media and Web 2.0 technologies in the emergency domain

C White, L Plotnick - International Journal of Information Systems for …, 2010 - igi-global.com
Social media is used in a variety of domains, including emergency management. However,
the question of which technologies are most appropriate for a given emergency remains …