[PDF][PDF] A cloud based m-learning architecture for higher education

AH Masud, X Huang - Archives Des Sciences, 2013 - researchgate.net
Mobile learning (m-learning) has been realized as an efficient way of learning. With the
increasing number of users, services, education contents and resources, however, how to …

[PDF][PDF] Mobile learning (mLearning) based on cloud computing: mLearning as a service (mLaaS)

MM Alabbadi - Proc. UBICOMM, 2011 - academia.edu
Despite its hype, cloud computing, with its dynamic scalability and virtualized resources
usage, is being widely deployed for several applications in many organizations. It is …

[PDF][PDF] A cloud based mobile learning interface

O Boyinbode, F Akintade - Proceedings of the World Congress on …, 2015 - iaeng.org
The invent of new technologies that support the creation of new generation applications that
have the ability of running on and outside a wide range of devices; like mobile phones or …

[PDF][PDF] On mobile cloud computing in a mobile learning system

A AO - Journal of Information Eng. and Applications, 2014 - academia.edu
In the recent years, the nature of the Internet was constantly changing from a place used to
read web pages to an environment that allows end-users to run software applications …

Cloud computing based e-learning system

M Al-Zoube, S Abou El-Seoud… - International Journal of …, 2010 - igi-global.com
Cloud computing technologies although in their early stages, have managed to change the
way applications are going to be developed and accessed. These technologies are aimed at …

[PDF][PDF] Challenges and opportunities of cloud-based mobile learning

DG Velev - International Journal of Information and Education …, 2014 - researchgate.net
The paper attempts to outlines the challenges and opportunities in development and use of
cloud-based mobile learning. A brief definition of the mobile learning, its components and …

[PDF][PDF] Innovation of teaching methods in university based on mobile cloud computing

H He, W Xia, Y Jin, B Zhang, P Tian - World Transactions on …, 2016 - wiete.com.au
The traditional teaching pattern of university courses is very simple, but not necessarily
effective or engaging. In order to improve students' interest and initiative in learning, the …

[PDF][PDF] Cloud-based mobile learning.

A Butoi, N Tomai, L Mocean - Informatica Economica, 2013 - revistaie.ase.ro
As the cloud technologies are largely studied and mobile technologies are evolving, new
directions for development of mobile learning tools deployed on cloud are proposed.. M …

[PDF][PDF] Mobile learning in mobile cloud computing environment

S Kitanov, D Davcev - International Transactions on Systems …, 2012 - researchgate.net
This paper presents a new model of mobile distance learning system (MDL) in an extended
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) by using High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster …

[PDF][PDF] Mobile cloud a new vehicle for learning: m-learning its issues and challenges

K Verma, S Dubey, M Rizvi, M NITTTR - International Journal of Science …, 2012 - Citeseer
Today we are witnessing the emergence of a connected, mobile society, with a variety of
information sources and means of communication available at home, office, organizations …