Semantic-enhanced personalized recommender system

RQ Wang, FS Kong - 2007 International Conference on …, 2007 -
Personalized recommender systems have emerged as a powerful method for improving
both the content of customers and the profit of providers in e-business environment …

A hybrid multi-criteria semantic-enhanced collaborative filtering approach for personalized recommendations

Q Shambour, J Lu - … on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent …, 2011 -
Recommender systems aim to assist web users to find only relevant information to their
needs rather than an undifferentiated mass of information. Collaborative filtering (CF) …

[PDF][PDF] Scalable collaborative filtering based on latent semantic indexing

P Symeonidis, A Nanopoulos… - Proc. 21st Assoc. for …, 2006 -
Nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms are gaining widespread acceptance
in recommender systems and e-commerce applications. User ratings are not expected to be …

[PDF][PDF] An item-based multi-criteria collaborative filtering algorithm for personalized recommender systems

Q Shambour, S Fraihat - International Journal of Advanced …, 2016 -
Recommender Systems are used to mitigate the information overload problem in different
domains by providing personalized recommendations for particular users based on their …

Content-based dimensionality reduction for recommender systems

P Symeonidis - Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications …, 2008 - Springer
Recommender Systems are gaining widespread acceptance in e-commerce applications to
confront the information overload problem. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a successful …

A personalized recommendation system combining case-based reasoning and user-based collaborative filtering

XM Zhu, HW Ye, SJ Gong - 2009 chinese control and decision …, 2009 -
Personalized recommendation systems are becoming increasingly popular with the
evolution of the Internet, and collaborative filtering is one of the most important technologies …

Hybrid recommender system based on fuzzy clustering and collaborative filtering

SK Verma, N Mittal, B Agarwal - 2013 4th international …, 2013 -
Recommender systems have achieved widespread success for e-commerce companies.
Significant growth of customers and products poses key challenges for recommender …

Combining memory-based and model-based collaborative filtering in recommender system

SJ Gong, HW Ye, HS Tan - 2009 Pacific-Asia Conference on …, 2009 -
Collaborative filtering (CF) technique has been proved to be one of the most successful
techniques in recommender systems. Two types of algorithms for collaborative filtering have …

A hybrid recommender approach based on widrow-hoff learning

L Ren, L He, J Gu, W Xia, F Wu - 2008 Second International …, 2008 -
Recommender is a personalized service in the adaptive information system, and it can
provide personalized information according to individual information needs. As one of the …

A personalized recommender integrating item-based and user-based collaborative filtering

XY Shi, HW Ye, SJ Gong - 2008 International Seminar on …, 2008 -
Recommender systems employ prediction algorithms to provide users with items that match
their interests. The collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular system and the two of the …