An improved collaborative filtering based on item similarity modified and common ratings

W Weijie, Y Jing, H Liang - 2012 International Conference on …, 2012 -
Many of the recent algorithms have been developed to improve the various aspects of
collaborative filtering recommender systems, however, most of them do not take the …

Combining memory-based and model-based collaborative filtering in recommender system

SJ Gong, HW Ye, HS Tan - 2009 Pacific-Asia Conference on …, 2009 -
Collaborative filtering (CF) technique has been proved to be one of the most successful
techniques in recommender systems. Two types of algorithms for collaborative filtering have …

Collaborative filtering recommendation based on conditional probability and weight adjusting

H Wu, WK Chou, N Hao, D Wang… - International Journal of …, 2015 -
Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm is one of the most successful technologies
for building recommender systems. However, a user–based collaborative filtering method …

A hybrid collaborative filtering algorithm based on user-item

Y Chen, M Yu - 2010 International Conference on …, 2010 -
Collaborative filtering is one of the most important technologies in e-commerce
recommendation system. Traditional similarity measure methods work poorly when the user …

A combined predictor for item-based collaborative filtering

Z Wu, J Zheng, S Wang, H Feng - 2013 5th International …, 2013 -
Collaborative filtering is one of most important technologies in the field of recommender
systems, the process of making predictions about user preferences for products or services …

A new algorithm for performing ratings-based collaborative filtering

F Yang, Y Zhu, B Shi - Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 2003 - Springer
Collaborative filtering is the most successful recommender system technology to date. It has
been shown to produce high quality recommendations, but the performance degrades with …

An enhanced significance weighting approach for collaborative filtering

M Raeesi, M Shajari - 6th International Symposium on …, 2012 -
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a popular technique for rating prediction in recommender
systems. CF tries to predict the user's rating on an unseen item based on other similar users' …

A Predictive Algorithm using 2-way Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems

JS Park, TH Kim, YS Ryu, SB Yang - Journal of KIISE: Software and …, 2002 -
In recent years most of personalized recommender systems in electronic commerce utilize
collaborative filtering algorithm in order to recommend more appropriate items. User-based …

Item similarity learning methods for collaborative filtering recommender systems

F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, W Huang… - 2015 IEEE 29th …, 2015 -
As one of the most popular recommender technologies, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has
been widely deployed in industry due to its simplicity and interpretability. However, it is …

A hierarchy weighting similarity measure to improve user-based collaborative filtering algorithm

W Li, H Xu, M Ji, Z Xu, H Fang - 2016 2nd IEEE International …, 2016 -
The aim of recommender systems is to help users to find items that they should be interested
in from over-load information by analyzing historical information about the users to establish …