Neural semiconductor chip and neural networks incorporated therein

A Steimle, P Tannhof, G Paillet - US Patent 5,717,832, 1998 - Google Patents
[57] ABSTRACT A base neural semiconductor chip (10) including a neural network or unit
(11 (*)). The neural network (11 (*)) has a plurality of neuron circuits fed by different buses …

Neural network, processor, and pattern recognition apparatus

H Yoneda, E Sanchez-Sinencio - US Patent 5,519,811, 1996 - Google Patents
Apparatus for realizing a neural network of a complex structure, such as the Neocognitron, in
a neural network processor comprises processing elements corresponding to the neurons of …

Neuro-chip and neurocomputer having the chip

Y Shimokawa - US Patent 5,517,600, 1996 - Google Patents
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a neuro-chip for use in a neuro-
computer or the like, and more particularly to a digital neuro-chip which helps to build an …

Method of implementing a neural network on a digital computer

DM Skapura, GJ McIntire - US Patent 5,204,938, 1993 - Google Patents
[57] ABSTRACT A digital computer architecture speci? cally tailored for implementing a
neural network. Several simultaneously operable processors (10) each have their own local …

Neuron circuit

JY Boulet, D Louis, C Godefroy, A Steimle… - US Patent …, 1997 - Google Patents
In a neural network comprised of a plurality of neuron circuits, an improved neuron circuit
that generates local result signals, eg of the fire type, and a local output signal of the …

Circuit for pre-charging a free neuron circuit

A Steimle, D Louis, G Paillet - US Patent 5,701,397, 1997 - Google Patents
McGinn; H. Daniel Schnurmann 57 ABSTRACT In each neuron in a neural network of a
plurality of neuron circuits either in an engaged or a free state, a pre-charge circuit, that …

Apparatus for configuring neural network and pattern recognition apparatus using neural network

S Abe, M Kayama, H Takenaga, Y Morooka… - US Patent …, 1996 - Google Patents
In a neural network having neurons connected in a multi layer, firstly, input signal sets are
sequentially entered to statistically process the outputs of hidden neurons and determine the …

Daisy chain circuit for serial connection of neuron circuits

C Godefroy, A Steimle, P Tannhof, G Paillet - US Patent 5,710,869, 1998 - Google Patents
Each daisy chain circuit is serially connected to the two adjacent neuron circuits, so that all
the neuron circuits form a chain. The daisy chain circuit distinguishes between the two …

Neural network processing system using semiconductor memories

T Watanabe, K Kimura, K Itoh, Y Kawajiri - US Patent 5,165,009, 1992 - Google Patents
Herein disclosed is a data processing system having a memory packaged therein for
realizing a large-scale and high-speed parallel distributed processing and, espe cially, a …

Systolic processor elements for a neural network

T Baji, H Inouchi - US Patent 5,091,864, 1992 - Google Patents
US5091864A - Systolic processor elements for a neural network - Google Patents
US5091864A - Systolic processor elements for a neural network - Google Patents Systolic …