Intended for readers who have taken a basic heat transfer course and have a basic knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and differential equations …
M Favre-Marinet, S Tardu - 2013 -
Convection heat transfer is an important topic both for industrial applications and fundamental aspects. It combines the complexity of the flow dynamics and of the active or …
WM Kays, ME Crawford, B Weigand - 1980 -
Some of the problems in the text are brief exercises leading to single numerical or algebraic results, but the great majority are much more extensive investigations, some approaching …
A new edition of the bestseller on convection heat transfer A revised edition of the industry classic, Convection Heat Transfer, Fourth Edition, chronicles how the field of heat transfer …
As mentioned in Chapter 1 the equations governing heat transfer with small temperature differences also govern transfer of small concentrations of other passive scalar …
Convective heat transfer is the result of fluid flowing between objects of different temperatures. Thus it may be the objective of a process (as in refrigeration) or it may be an …
This new edition updated the material by expanding coverage of certain topics, adding new examples and problems, removing outdated material, and adding a computer disk, which …
The contents of this book are: Theory of Heat Conduction and Heat-conduction Equations; Thermal Conductivity; Steady Heat Conduction; Unsteady Heat Conduction; Forced …
This text provides a teachable and readable approach to transport phenomena (momentum, heat, and mass transport) by providing numerous examples and applications, which are …