Contrast discrimination cannot explain spatial frequency, orientation or temporal frequency discrimination

SF Bowne - Vision Research, 1990 - Elsevier
Current models of spatial frequency (SF) and orientation discrimination are based on
contrast discrimination data. In these “error propagation” models, the precision of all …

Why are some spatial discriminations independent of contrast?

BG Smith, JP Thomas - JOSA A, 1989 -
The accuracy of some spatial discriminations, including spatial frequency and orientation, is
independent of the contrasts of the stimuli discriminated except when contrasts are near the …

[HTML][HTML] Spatial frequency channels derived from individual differences

WA Simpson, SM McFadden - Vision Research, 2005 - Elsevier
Contrast sensitivity functions differ from observer to observer. We propose that these
differences arise because each observer has unique weights for the outputs of the neural …

Simultaneous discrimination of the spatial frequency and contrast of periodic stimuli

MW Greenlee, JP Thomas - JOSA A, 1993 -
Discrimination thresholds for spatial frequency and contrast were measured as a function of
(1) the spatial-frequency bandwidth of the stimuli,(2) the reference contrast of the stimuli, and …

[HTML][HTML] Specific effects of spatial-frequency uncertainty and different cue types on contrast detection: Data and models

R Hübner - Vision Research, 1996 - Elsevier
If the spatial-frequency of sinusoidal signals in a contrast-detection experiment varies
randomly from trial to trial, then performance is decreased compared with that in a situation …

Temporal frequency discrimination above threshold

MB Mandler - Vision Research, 1984 - Elsevier
Temporal frequency discrimination was measured above threshold with a two-alternative
spatial forced-choice procedure. Stimuli were two 1 deg homogeneous fields modulated …

Locus of spatial-frequency discrimination

CA Burbeck - JOSA A, 1987 -
In standard frequency-discrimination experiments either the retinal spatial frequencies
(cycles per degree) or the object spatial frequencies (real world) could be compared …

[HTML][HTML] Spatial frequency discrimination: a comparison of achromatic and chromatic conditions

RLP Vimal - Vision Research, 2002 - Elsevier
In this study, we have compared foveal SF discriminations for luminance and color-defined
stimuli using two different tasks (criteria): in criterion-A, the discrimination is based on spatial …

Space domain properties of a spatial frequency channel in human vision

GE Legge - Vision research, 1978 - Elsevier
Many properties of contrast detection in human vision may be described with reference to a
set of tuned spatial frequency channels. The spatial sensitivity of the channel with optimal …

Spatial-frequency discrimination in human vision

FW Campbell, J Nachmias, J Jukes - JOSA, 1970 -
Subjects were presented with two gratings with different spatial frequencies and they were
asked to discriminate one from the other. Their ability to discriminate between the gratings …