Magnificence has long been acknowledged as a key concept in the study of Renaissance Florence. It underpinned private financing of public activities, such as the endowment of …
Florentine scholars have been drawn to the theme of" magnificence" for two chief reasons. Mid-fifteenth-century praise of magnificence provided substantial cover for the …
C Keenan - Canadian Journal of History, 2014 -
Quattrocento Florentine society was one devoted to the idea of ''magnificence,''as seen in the widespread patronage of art and even in Lorenzo the Magnificent's name. In this short …
P Howard - Renaissance Quarterly, 2008 -
The magnificence with which the Florentine Renaissance is synonymous derived its power from a virtue elucidated and disseminated by influential preachers as early as the 1420s …
Studies, 29), Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2012; paperback; pp. 173; RRP US $19.00; ISBN 9780772721266. Magnificence has long been …
Book Reviews 499 classes within a limited geographic area, worked via preaching. Second, this study presents a clear scholarly understanding of the Florentine struggle to establish …
culture and history in the Renaissance. Turner turns his focus to the politics and religion of the city, ending with a contrast between two madonnas that are not really contrasted but …
On the Magnificence of Cosimo de'Medici Against [His] Detractors.(Maffei's text with a lively English translation is included in the appendices along with excerpts from a sermon and the …
C Miller - Art and Christianity, 2013 -
The sheer abundance of visual art in its various genres and periods easily challenges visitors to Florence. That fog of richness is effectively dispersed by this remarkable exhibition …