Can Bluetooth succeed as a large-scale ad hoc networking technology?

E Vergetis, R Guérin, S Sarkar… - IEEE journal on selected …, 2005 -
We investigate issues that Bluetooth may face in evolving from a simple wire replacement to
a large-scale ad hoc networking technology. We do so by examining the efficacy of …

[PDF][PDF] Bluetooth technology: Key challenges and initial research

R Guérin, E Kim, S Sarkar - Conference on Network and …, 2002 -
This paper introduces a number of problems faced by the Bluetooth technology when
attempting to use it for building adhoc networks. The paper provides a brief overview of …

A three-phase ad hoc network formation protocol for Bluetooth systems

JH Yun, J Kim, Y Kim, JS Ma - The 5th International Symposium …, 2002 -
Bluetooth is considered attractive as a means of building an instantaneous ad hoc network
consisting of personal devices. However, Bluetooth-based ad hoc networking raises several …

Forming connected topologies in Bluetooth ad-hoc networks—an algorithmic perspective

R Guerin, J Rank, S Sarkar, E Vergetis - Teletraffic Science and …, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper represents a first step in exploring the formation of connected topologies in ad-
hoc networks built on the Bluetooth technology. Connectivity is the most basic requirement …

[PDF][PDF] Is Bluetooth suitable for large-scale sensor networks?

R Kettimuthu, S Muthukrishnan - ICWN, 2005 -
Bluetooth is presently the object of much hype by the consortium of large corporate
organizations. Bluetooth is developed for local small area networking. It is a technology for …

[PDF][PDF] A scatternet formation protocol for ad hoc networks of Bluetooth devices

S Basagni, C Petrioli - IEEE Vehicular Technology …, 2002 -
This paper describes a new protocol for the estab-lishment of multihop ad hoc networks
based on Bluetooth devices. The proposed solution is specification compatible, and …

[PDF][PDF] Building efficient bluetooth scatternet topologies from 1-factors

S Baatz, C Bieschke, M Frank, P Martini… - Proceedings of WOC …, 2002 - Citeseer
Bluetooth introduces ad hoc connectivity into the personal area. Although only the basic
single-hop star-shaped topology called piconet is currently available, Bluetooth will surely …

Configuring BlueStars: Multihop scatternet formation for Bluetooth networks

C Petrioli, S Basagni… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2003 -
Describes a protocol for the establishment of multihop ad hoc networks based on Bluetooth
devices. The protocol proceeds in three phases: device discovery, partitioning of the network …

Distributed topology construction of Bluetooth wireless personal area networks

T Salonidis, P Bhagwat, L Tassiulas… - IEEE journal on …, 2005 -
Bluetooth, a wireless technology based on a frequency-hopping physical layer, enables
portable devices to form short-range wireless ad hoc networks. Bluetooth hosts are not able …

Multihop scatternet formation for Bluetooth networks

S Basagni, C Petrioli - … Conference. VTC Spring 2002 (Cat. No …, 2002 -
This paper describes a new protocol for the establishment of multihop ad hoc networks
based on Bluetooth devices. The proposed solution is specification compatible, and …