Using circular programs to deforest in accumulating parameters

J Voigtländer - Proceedings of the ASIAN symposium on Partial …, 2002 -
Functional languages allow a modular programming style by function composition, which
however can lead to inefficient runtime behavior due to production and consumption of …

Shortcut fusion rules for the derivation of circular and higher-order monadic programs

A Pardo, JP Fernandes, J Saraiva - Proceedings of the 2009 ACM …, 2009 -
Functional programs often combine separate parts using intermediate data structures for
communicating results. These programs are modular, easier to understand and maintain …

[PDF][PDF] Shortcut deforestation in calculational form

A Takano, E Meijer - … of the seventh international conference on …, 1995 -
In functional programming, intermediate data structures are often used to “glue” together
small programs. Deforestation is a program transformation to remove these intermediate …

Declarative program transformation: A deforestation case-study

L Correnson, E Duris, D Parigot, G Roussel - Principles and Practice of …, 1999 - Springer
Software engineering has to reconcile modularity with efficiency. One way to grapple with
this dilemma is to automatically transform a modular-specified program into an efficient …

[PDF][PDF] Warm fusion for the masses: Detailing virtual data structure elimination in fully recursive languages

P Johann, J Launchbury - SDRR Project Phase II, Final Report, Computer …, 1998 - Citeseer
In functional programming, small programs are often combined to construct larger, more
complex ones. The component reuse encouraged by this modular style of programming …

Safe fusion of functional expressions II: Further improvements

WN Chin - Journal of functional programming, 1994 -
Large functional programs are often constructed by decomposing each big task into smaller
tasks which can be performed by simpler functions. This hierarchical style of developing …

Shortcut fusion rules for the derivation of circular and higher-order programs

A Pardo, JP Fernandes, J Saraiva - Higher-Order and Symbolic …, 2011 - Springer
Functional programs often combine separate parts using intermediate data structures for
communicating results. Programs so defined are modular, easier to understand and …

Safe fusion of functional expressions

WN Chin - Proceedings of the 1992 ACM Conference on LISP and …, 1992 -
Large functional programs are often constructed by decomposing each big task into smaller
tasks which can be performed by simpler functions. This hierarchical style of developing …

[PDF][PDF] Catamorphism-based program transformations for non-strict functional languages

L Németh - 2000 -
In functional languages intermediate data structures are often used as glue to connect
separate parts of a program together. These intermediate data structures are useful because …

Typed combinators for generic traversal

R Lämmel, J Visser - Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 4th …, 2002 - Springer
Lacking support for generic traversal, functional programming languages suffer from a
scalability problem when applied to largescale program transformation problems. As a …