Establishing values of time for freight trucks for better understanding of impact of toll policies

Q Mei, MI Hussein, AJ Horowitz - Transportation research …, 2013 -
Many freight models have considered only travel time as the path building criterion, but truck
drivers are sensitive to both time and cost when choosing routes. In addition, a key variable …

Truck use on texas toll roads

DPK Seedah, JC Muckelston… - Journal of the …, 2013 -
Metropolitan toll roads are a popular source of non-traditional funded highway investment,
targeting automobile users. Toll rates have been traditionally derived from traffic and …

Perceived benefits of congestion pricing for trucks

K Kawamura - Transportation research record, 2003 -
Empirically derived value-of-time distributions are used to calculate the perceived benefits
from the time saved by trucks in using toll lanes. The conditions on the SR-91 congestion …

[PDF][PDF] Comparison of tolls with estimated full marginal costs: Theory meets reality

B Bartin, K Ozbay - Transportation Research Board 87th Annual …, 2008 -
In this paper, we attempt to estimate the additional tolls that can be charged to drivers at the
New Jersey Turnpike using the full marginal cost functions. The available data set used in …

GPS data analysis of the impact of tolling on truck speed and routing: case study in Seattle, Washington

Z Wang, AV Goodchild - Transportation Research Record, 2014 -
Roadway tolls are designed to raise revenue to fund transportation investments and
manage travel demand and as such may affect transportation system performance and route …

Economic Evaluation of Route Choice Characteristics for Owner–Operator Truck Drivers in Southern California Freeways

JJ Kim, S Dominguez, L Diaz - Journal of Transportation …, 2021 -
This paper presents the results on the demand survey obtained from owner–operator truck
drivers for their willingness to use truck-only toll lanes on Southern California freeways. The …

A comparative analysis of US toll policy

J Holguin-Veras, M Cetin, S Xia - … Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2006 - Elsevier
In the US, there is a long tradition of toll roads, beginning with the Lancaster Turnpike that
was built at the end of the 18th century connecting Philadelphia and Lancaster. There are …

Estimation of the time-dependency of values of travel time and its reliability from loop detector data

WW Recker, HX Liu, X He - 2006 -
Although the effects of travel time and its reliability have been addressed in a variety of
papers concerning pricing policies, most of the existing research is based on the assumption …

Development of a new toll mode-choice modeling system for Florida's Turnpike Enterprise

Y Dehghani, T Adler, MW Doherty… - Transportation research …, 2003 -
The Florida Department of Transportation Turnpike Enterprise's recent toll mode-choice
model development activities are described. Because the simple toll travel forecasting …

Estimation of the time-dependency of values of travel time and its reliability from loop detector data

HX Liu, X He, W Recker - Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2007 - Elsevier
Although the effects of travel time and its reliability have been addressed in a variety of
papers concerning pricing policies, most of the existing research is based on the assumption …