Catch, restrict, and release: The real story of bank bailouts

AN Berger, S Nistor, S Ongena… - Swiss Finance Institute …, 2020 -
Bank bailouts are not “one-shot” events, but rather dynamic processes that occur over
phases that often last for months or years. Regulators “catch” financially-distressed banks …

Bank bailouts and bail-Ins

RA Roman - 2019 -
During the global financial crisis, governments bailed out banks when their failures
threatened to undermine economic and financial stability. After the crisis, governments tried …

Does size matter? Bailouts with large and small banks

E Dávila, A Walther - Journal of Financial Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
We explore how large and small banks make funding decisions when system-wide bailouts
are possible. We show that bank size, purely on strategic grounds, is a key determinant of …

Bail-in to End the 'Too Big to Fail'Dilemma

S Hwang - KDI FOCUS, 2017 -
“Designed to resolve failed banks via loss-sharing by shareholders and creditors, bail-ins
were introduced to substitute bailouts, which are known to create moral hazards in banks …

[图书][B] Trade-offs in bank resolution

MG Dell'Ariccia, MMSM Peria, MDO Igan, EA Awadzi… - 2018 -
This SDN revisits the debate on bank resolution regimes, first by presenting a simple model
of bank insolvency that transparently describes the trade-off involved between bail-outs, bail …

[PDF][PDF] Bail-Ins, Optimal Regulation, and Crisis Resolution

C Clayton, A Schaab - Available at SSRN 3455684, 2022 -
We develop a tractable dynamic contracting framework to study bank bail-in regimes. In the
presence of a repeated monitoring problem, the optimal bank capital structure combines …

Who should hold bail-inable debt and how can regulators police holding restrictions effectively?

I Mecatti, T Tröger - 2023 -
This paper analyses the demand-side prerequisites for the efficient application of the bail-in
tool in bank resolution, scrutinises whether the European bank crisis management and …

Bail-in and bailout: Friends or foes?

L Pandolfi - Management Science, 2022 -
This paper analyzes the effects of bail-in and bailout policies on banks' funding costs,
incentives for loan monitoring, and financing capacity. In a model with moral hazard and two …

[PDF][PDF] Bank bailouts, bail-ins, or no regulatory intervention? A dynamic model and empirical tests of optimal regulation

AN Berger, CP Himmelberg, RA Roman… - Available at SSRN …, 2018 -
We develop a dynamic model of optimal regulatory design of three regimes that deal with
distress of large, complex banking organizations. These regimes are 1) bailout, as under …

A critical evaluation of bail-ins as bank recapitalisation mechanisms

C Goodhart, E Avgouleas - Available at SSRN 2478647, 2014 -
Many of the world's developed economies have introduced, or are planning to introduce,
bank bail-in regimes. Both the planned EU resolution regime and the European Stability …