Regulation of virtual currency in the European Union

A Vondráčková - Charles University in Prague Faculty of Law …, 2016 -
In connection with the growing popularity of the use of virtual currency and with risks
associated with its use raises the need of the European Union regulation. The group of …

Virtual currencies: Challenges following their introduction

C Scheinert - 2016 -
Virtual currencies began creating controversy soon after their launch. The nature of virtual
currencies is difficult to apprehend, the underlying technology is complicated, their …

[PDF][PDF] Virtual currencies: a new challenge for tax law and monetary law

F Vlček - 2019 -
The submitted thesis aims to assess the impact of the development of virtual currencies (so-
called cryptocurrencies) on the existing legislation. The author firstly defines the term.. virtual …

Virtual Currencies and Fundamental Rights

C Rückert - 2018 -
Virtual currencies1, like Bitcoin, raise new legal questions due to their innovative
technological con-cepts. While academic research covers nearly all areas of the …

Virtual currencies under EU anti-money laundering law

N Vandezande - Computer law & security review, 2017 - Elsevier
The goal of this paper is to analyze the extent to which virtual currencies are regulated under
EU financial and economic law, with particular attention to cryptocurrencies. The focus of this …

[PDF][PDF] Conceptual Framework for the Definition and Regulation of Virtual Currencies: International and Russian practices/Konceptualni okvir za definicijo in regulacijo …

OS Belomyttseva - Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy, 2015 -
This paper analyzes possible definitions of virtual currencies in legislation and economics.
Views of the European Central Bank, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and Financial …

Virtual currencies and private international law

P Bertoli - Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 2018 -
Virtual currencies are a new technology with potential for financial inclusion and global
reach. However—due, in particular, to their anonymity and lack of regulated intermediaries …

Virtual currencies: New challenges to the right to privacy? an assessment under the V AML directive and the GDPR

S De Vido - Global Jurist, 2020 -
The purpose of this article is to analyse virtual currencies, with specific regard to Bitcoins, in
light of a specific human right, the right to privacy. In the first part, this contribution will reflect …

[PDF][PDF] The legal aspect of virtual currencies

J Perkins, J Enwezor - Butterworths Journal of International Banking and …, 2016 -
Virtual currencies have a good claim to be regarded as money–if they are used as a medium
of exchange within a significant user community and are negotiable. A common perception …

Legal regulation of virtual currencies: illicit activities and current developments in the realm of payment systems

I Ioannou - King's Student L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Since Bitcoin was invented a decade ago, the phenomenon of Virtual Currencies has been
hailed as an ingenious innovation and decried as the preferred transaction vehicle for illicit …