[HTML][HTML] Integrating network structure and dynamic information for better routing strategy on scale-free networks

XG Tang, EWM Wong, ZX Wu - Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its …, 2009 - Elsevier
We study information packet routing processes on scale-free networks by mimicking the
Internet traffic delivery strategies. We incorporate both the global network structure …

An incremental optimal routing strategy for scale-free networks

ZY Jiang - International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2014 - World Scientific
The link congestion based traffic model can more accurately reveal the traffic dynamics of
many real complex networks such as the Internet, and heuristically optimizing each link's …

Improved efficient routing strategy on two-layer complex networks

J Ma, W Han, Q Guo, S Zhang, J Wang… - International Journal of …, 2016 - World Scientific
The traffic dynamics of multi-layer networks has become a hot research topic since many
networks are comprised of two or more layers of subnetworks. Due to its low traffic capacity …

[HTML][HTML] Efficient routing on two layer degree-coupled networks

X Nian, H Fu - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
Traffic dynamics of multiplex networks is one of the new research topics since many systems
are proved not to be composed of only a single layer network. Here we focus routing …

Method to enhance traffic capacity for two-layer complex networks

S Zhang, MG Liang, HJ Li - Canadian Journal of Physics, 2014 - cdnsciencepub.com
The study of traffic dynamics on multilayered networks is a hot issue, where the network
topology is composed of two layers of subnetworks, such as wired–wireless networks and …

An efficient routing strategy on spatial scale-free networks

XM Guan, XJ Zhang, Y Zhu, I Hwang… - International Journal of …, 2014 - World Scientific
Traffic dynamics has drawn much more attention recently, but most current research barely
considers the space factor, which is of critical importance in many real traffic systems. In this …

Effective usage of global dynamic information for network traffic

C Hong - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a routing strategy based on the global dynamic information of
network traffic. In the strategy, packets will travel along the path with the minimal sum of links' …

Enhancing the transmission efficiency by edge deletion in scale-free networks

GQ Zhang, D Wang, GJ Li - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2007 - APS
How to improve the transmission efficiency of Internet-like packet switching networks is one
of the most important problems in complex networks as well as for the Internet research …

Dynamics of routing mechanisms on traffic networks

HJ Sun, JJ Wu, ZY Gao - International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2007 - World Scientific
In this paper, we propose a simple betweenness-driven model to capture the dynamics of
traffic routing choice behaviors. By comparing with two other models (degree-driven and …

Simultaneous improvement of multiple transportation performances on link-coupled networks by global dynamic routing

C Yang, Z Chen, J Qian, D Han, K Zhao - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics …, 2023 - Elsevier
The interconnected networks are facing with critical congestion issue due to the rapid growth
of the traffic and the information on the links with limited capacity. We show that the …