Deep simnets

N Cohen, O Sharir, A Shashua - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2016 -
We present a deep layered architecture that generalizes convolutional neural networks
(ConvNets). The architecture, called SimNets, is driven by two operators:(i) a similarity …

Simnets: A generalization of convolutional networks

N Cohen, A Shashua - arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.0781, 2014 -
We present a deep layered architecture that generalizes classical convolutional neural
networks (ConvNets). The architecture, called SimNets, is driven by two operators, one …

Learning the structure of deep convolutional networks

J Feng, T Darrell - … of the IEEE international conference on …, 2015 -
In this work, we develop a novel method for automatically learning aspects of the structure of
a deep model, in order to improve its performance, especially when labeled training data are …

Resnet or densenet? introducing dense shortcuts to resnet

C Zhang, P Benz, DM Argaw, S Lee… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
Abstract ResNet or DenseNet? Nowadays, most deep learning based approaches are
implemented with seminal backbone networks, among them the two arguably most famous …

Densely connected convolutional networks

G Huang, Z Liu, L Van Der Maaten… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
Recent work has shown that convolutional networks can be substantially deeper, more
accurate, and efficient to train if they contain shorter connections between layers close to the …

Analyzing filters toward efficient convnet

T Kobayashi - Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on …, 2018 -
Deep convolutional neural network (ConvNet) is a promising approach for high-performance
image classification. The behavior of ConvNet is analyzed mainly based on the neuron …

Polynet: A pursuit of structural diversity in very deep networks

X Zhang, Z Li, C Change Loy… - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2017 -
A number of studies have shown that increasing the depth or width of convolutional
networks is a rewarding approach to improve the performance of image recognition. In our …

Decoupled networks

W Liu, Z Liu, Z Yu, B Dai, R Lin… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Inner product-based convolution has been a central component of convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) and the key to learning visual representations. Inspired by the observation …

Deep fried convnets

Z Yang, M Moczulski, M Denil… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 -
The fully connected layers of a deep convolutional neural network typically contain over
90% of the network parameters, and consume the majority of the memory required to store …

Convolutional networks with oriented 1d kernels

A Kirchmeyer, J Deng - Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF …, 2023 -
In computer vision, 2D convolution is arguably the most important operation performed by a
ConvNet. Unsurprisingly, it has been the focus of intense software and hardware …