Convergence enhanced genetic algorithm with successive zooming method for solving continuous optimization problems

YD Kwon, SB Kwon, SB Jin, JY Kim - Computers & Structures, 2003 - Elsevier
A dynamic parameter encoding method was previously presented by Schraudolph and
Belew [J Mach Learn 9 (1992) 9] for solving optimizing problems using discrete zooming …

Structural optimization by genetic algorithms with tournament selection

J Yang, CK Soh - Journal of computing in civil engineering, 1997 -
A new approach to optimization design concerning the configurations of structures using
genetic algorithm (GA) with a tournament selection strategy has been proposed. The …

A genetic algorithm with memory for mixed discrete–continuous design optimization

VB Gantovnik, CM Anderson-Cook, Z Gürdal… - Computers & …, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper describes a new approach for reducing the number of the fitness function
evaluations required by a genetic algorithm (GA) for optimization problems with mixed …

Improved genetic operators for structural engineering optimization

JPB Leite, BHV Topping - Advances in engineering software, 1998 - Elsevier
The initial motivation for the development of algorithms inspired by biological principles of
evolution was the design and implementation of robust adaptive systems. Among the most …

Genetic search strategies in large scale optimization

C Lin, P Hajela - 34th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials …, 1993 -
Two strategies to improve the search ability of genetic algorithms (GA's) in large scale
optimization problems are presented. The first strategy is referred to as directed crossover …

An adaptive penalty scheme for genetic algorithms in structural optimization

ACC Lemonge, HJC Barbosa - International Journal for …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
A parameter‐less adaptive penalty scheme for genetic algorithms applied to constrained
optimization problems is proposed. Using feedback from the evolutionary process the …

Improvements of simple genetic algorithm in structural design

TYU CHEN, CJEI CHEN - International Journal for Numerical …, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The efficiency of Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) can be improved by some
strategies. They are elitest strategy, multi‐point crossover, identification of passive design …

Genetic evolutionary structural optimization

X Liu, WJ Yi, QS Li, PS Shen - Journal of constructional steel research, 2008 - Elsevier
Evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) is based on a simple idea that an optimal
structure (with maximum stiffness but minimum weight) can be achieved by gradually …

A flexible optimization procedure for mechanical component design based on genetic adaptive search

K Deb, M Goyal - 1998 -
A flexible algorithm for solving nonlinear engineering design optimization problems
involving zero-one, discrete, and continuous variables is presented. The algorithm restricts …

A changing range genetic algorithm

A Amirjanov - International journal for numerical methods in …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
During the last decade various methods have been proposed to handle linear and non‐
linear constraints by using genetic algorithms to solve problems of numerical optimization …