Integrative and distinctive coding of visual and conceptual object features in the ventral visual stream

CB Martin, D Douglas, RN Newsome, LLY Man… - elife, 2018 -
A significant body of research in cognitive neuroscience is aimed at understanding how
object concepts are represented in the human brain. However, it remains unknown whether …

Tracking neural coding of perceptual and semantic features of concrete nouns

G Sudre, D Pomerleau, M Palatucci, L Wehbe, A Fyshe… - NeuroImage, 2012 - Elsevier
We present a methodological approach employing magnetoencephalography (MEG) and
machine learning techniques to investigate the flow of perceptual and semantic information …

Similarity of fMRI activity patterns in left perirhinal cortex reflects semantic similarity between words

R Bruffaerts, P Dupont, R Peeters… - Journal of …, 2013 - Soc Neuroscience
How verbal and nonverbal visuoperceptual input connects to semantic knowledge is a core
question in visual and cognitive neuroscience, with significant clinical ramifications. In an …

Embodied semantics for actions: Findings from functional brain imaging

L Aziz-Zadeh, A Damasio - Journal of Physiology-Paris, 2008 - Elsevier
The theory of embodied semantics for actions specifies that the sensory-motor areas used
for producing an action are also used for the conceptual representation of the same action …

Functional neuroanatomy of the semantic system: divisible by what?

CJ Mummery, K Patterson, JR Hodges… - Journal of cognitive …, 1998 -
Studies of patients with brain damage suggest that specific brain regions may be
differentially involved in representing/processing certain categories of conceptual …

Varieties of abstract concepts and their grounding in perception or action

M Kiefer, M Harpaintner - Open Psychology, 2020 -
For a very long time, theorizing in the cognitive sciences was dominated by the assumption
that abstract concepts, which lack a perceivable referent, can only be handled by amodal or …

Somatotopic representation of action words in human motor and premotor cortex

O Hauk, I Johnsrude, F Pulvermüller - Neuron, 2004 -
Since the early days of research into language and the brain, word meaning was assumed
to be processed in specific brain regions, which most modern neuroscientists localize to the …

The sound of concepts: Four markers for a link between auditory and conceptual brain systems

M Kiefer, EJ Sim, B Herrnberger, J Grothe… - Journal of …, 2008 - Soc Neuroscience
Traditionally, concepts are conceived as abstract mental entities distinct from perceptual or
motor brain systems. However, recent results let assume modality-specific representations of …

Retrieval of abstract semantics

U Noppeney, CJ Price - Neuroimage, 2004 - Elsevier
Behavioural and neuropsychological evidence suggests that abstract and concrete concepts
might be represented, retrieved and processed differently in the human brain. Using fMRI …

Task-dependent functional and effective connectivity during conceptual processing

P Kuhnke, M Kiefer, G Hartwigsen - Cerebral Cortex, 2021 -
Conceptual knowledge is central to cognition. Previous neuroimaging research indicates
that conceptual processing involves both modality-specific perceptual-motor areas and …