T Ishida - Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on …, 1992 - dl.acm.org
We previously proposed the moving target search (MTS) algorithm, where the location of the goal may change during the course of the search. MTS is the first search algorithm …
We consider the case of heuristic search where the location of the goal may change during the course of the search. For example, the goal may be a target that is actively avoiding the …
This paper proposes a new search algorithm for targets that move. Ishida and Korf presented an algorithm, called the moving target search, that captures a target while …
Planning is often not a one-shot task because either the world or the agent's knowledge of the world changes. In this paper, we introduce a new principle that can be used to solve a …
SA Vere - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine …, 1983 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A general purpose automated planner/scheduler is described which generates parallel plans to achieve goals with imposed time con-straints. Both durations and start time …
AR Washburn - Operations research, 1983 - pubsonline.informs.org
We propose and study an iterative Forward And Backward (FAB) algorithm applicable to the problem of computing optimal search plans when the target's motion is modeled by a …
M Likhachev - School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon …, 2005 - cs.cmu.edu
Agents operating in the real world often have to act under the conditions where time is critical: there is a limit on the time they can afford to spend on deliberating what action to …
Abstract This paper presents Reaction-First Search (rfs), an incremental planning algorithm that produces plans for execution by a reactive system. The reactive system is independently …
The performance of heuristic search-based planners depends heavily on the quality of the heuristic function used to focus the search. These algorithms work fast and generate high …