Model improvements for evaluating pricing strategies

WG Allen Jr - Transportation research record, 1995 -
Travel models are commonly used to forecast vehicle-kilometers traveled (vehicle-miles
traveled) and speed, from which mobile source emissions are calculated. Most existing …


RM Winick, WG Allen - Compendium of Technical Papers, 64th ITE …, 1994 -
In most of the larger urbanized areas, a travel forecasting model is used to estimate
tripmaking activity for future years. Various other impacts can be derived from these traffic …

[图书][B] Uncertainty in travel and emissions models: A case study in the Sacramento region

CJ Rodier - 2000 -
The failures of models used in the analysis of travel and vehicle emissions effects of
transportation plans and policies have been enumerated by many in the transportation …

Joint travel demand and environmental model to incorporate emission pricing for large transportation networks

S Mishra, TF Welch - Transportation research record, 2012 -
Emission reduction strategies are gaining greater attention as a support of the national
objective for a sustainable and green transportation system. A large percentage of the …

Integrating vehicle emission modeling with activity-based travel demand modeling: case study of the Greater Toronto, Canada, Area

M Hatzopoulou, EJ Miller… - Transportation Research …, 2007 -
An initial attempt is made to quantify vehicle emissions in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in
Canada by exploiting travel information provided by activity-based 24-h models rather than …

Modeling Emission Policies Through Travel Demand Mechanisms: Analysis of the Best Reduction Strategies

TF Welch, S Mishra - 2013 -
Emission reduction strategies are gaining attention as planning agencies work towards
adherence to air quality conformity standards. As state departments of transportation (DOTs) …

[PDF][PDF] Development of methodology for estimating vehicle emissions.

JM Armstrong - 2000 -
Vehicle emission models enable transportation planners to evaluate the environmental
implications of alternative transportation policies and assist decision makers in selecting the …

Integrating truck emissions cost in traffic assignment

P Foytik, RM Robinson - Transportation Research Record, 2015 -
The adverse impacts of greenhouse gasses (GHG) and the imperative for reducing the
existing rate of GHG production are well established. In the United States, the largest source …

Conformity: How VMT-speed distributions can affect mobile emission inventories

DT Ito, D Niemeier, G Garry - Transportation, 2001 - Springer
Transportation conformity is a US regulatory process that requires that transportation
modeling be integrated with air quality modeling. Consequently, every change to either …

The analysis of travel and emission impacts of travel demand management strategies using activity-based models

Y Shiftan, J Suhrbier - Transportation, 2002 - Springer
This paper demonstrates, tests and shows the value of activity-based travel demand models
and household sample enumeration forecasting techniques in evaluating the transportation …