Phase-unwrapping of SAR interferogram with multi-frequency or multi-baseline

W Xu, EC Chang, LK Kwoh, H Lim… - … of IGARSS'94-1994 …, 1994 -
The use of multiple InSAR images of the same area for phase unwrapping is discussed. It is
shown that by combining the information in the two InSAR images, the ambiguity interval of …

A region-growing algorithm for InSAR phase unwrapping

W Xu, I Cumming - IEEE transactions on geoscience and …, 1999 -
This paper describes a new region-growing algorithm for interferometric synthetic aperture
radar (SAR) phase unwrapping. The algorithm is designed to handle noisy interferograms …

Two new practical methods for phase unwrapping

H Lim, W Xu, X Huang - 1995 International Geoscience and …, 1995 -
In phase unwrapping, an error made at a pixel has a tendency to spread and corrupt the
phase values over large areas of an interferogram. It is therefore important that a phase …

A fast phase unwrapping algorithm for SAR interferometry

M Costantini, A Farina, F Zirilli - IEEE Transactions on …, 1999 -
Phase unwrapping is the key problem in building the elevation map of a scene from
interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system data. Phase unwrapping consists in …

Interferogram phase noise reduction using morphological and modified median filters

ALB Candeias, JC Mura, LV Dutra… - … and Remote Sensing …, 1995 -
Phase unwrapping for SAR interferometry is one of the barriers for obtaining an operational
interferometric SAR system (InSAR). For filtering the phase one uses mainly a low pass …

Phase statistics and decorrelation in SAR interferograms

R Bamler, D Just - … of IGARSS'93-IEEE International Geoscience …, 1993 -
SAR interferometry requires a thorough phase control throughout the imaging process. The
phase accuracy is affected by decorrelation effects between the individual surveys. The …

Phase unwrapping for SAR interferometry—A data fusion approach by Kalman filtering

O Loffeld, H Nies, S Knedlik… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2007 -
This paper considers the problem of unwrapping the phase image obtained from a noisy
interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) image. The implicit nonlinearity of the …

Estimation and improvement of coherence in SAR interferograms

M Cattabeni, A Monti-Guarnieri… - Proceedings of IGARSS' …, 1994 -
SAR interferometric surveys are affected by several sources of decorrelation noise. An
improvement of the phase accuracy can be achieved by minimizing that noise: this could …

A particle filter approach for InSAR phase filtering and unwrapping

JJ Martinez-Espla, T Martinez-Marin… - … on Geoscience and …, 2009 -
This paper presents a new phase-unwrapping (PU) algorithm for SAR interferometry that
makes use of a particle filter (PF) to perform simultaneously noise filtering and PU. The …

Phase unwrapping by means of multigrid techniques for interferometric SAR

MD Pritt - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote …, 1996 -
Weighted least squares phase unwrapping is a robust approach to phase unwrapping that
unwraps around (rather than through) regions of corrupted phase. Currently, the only …