Nature-inspired computing provides promising and effective approaches for problem solving in optimization, machine intelligence, data mining and resource management. Nature has …
Meta-heuristics are considered well-known problem-solving techniques under incomplete information and/or insufficient knowledge about the problem under consideration. Meta …
Nature-Inspired Computing: Physics and Chemistry-Based Algorithms provides a comprehensive introduction to the methodologies and algorithms in nature-inspired …
Nature-inspired Algorithms are getting more and more popular in the past few decades owing to their amazing successes in solving a number of real-world optimization problems in …
This chapter focuses the light on new research trends. It discusses classifications of the nature-inspired algorithms and presents a brief list of algorithms followed by several different …
From the early 1990s, the introduction of the term “Computational Intelligence”(CI) highlighted the potential applicability of this field. One of the preliminary applications of the …
XS Yang - Journal of Computational Science, 2020 - Elsevier
Many problems in science and engineering can be formulated as optimization problems, subject to complex nonlinear constraints. The solutions of highly nonlinear problems usually …
Optimization is everywhere, from engineering design and business planning to data mining and industrial applications. However, many optimization problems are very challenging to …
Background: Nature-Inspired Algorithms (NIAs) are the most efficient way to solve advanced engineering and real-world optimization problems. Since the last few decades, various …