The role of temporal statistics in the transfer of experience in context-dependent reinforcement learning

OH Hamid - 2014 14th international conference on hybrid …, 2014 -
Reinforcement learning (RL) is an algorithmic theory for learning by experience optimal
action control. Two widely discussed problems within this field are the temporal credit …

A model-based markovian context-dependent reinforcement learning approach for neurobiologically plausible transfer of experience

OH Hamid - International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2015 -
Reinforcement learning (RL) is an algorithmic theory for learning by experience optimal
action control. Two widely discussed problems within this field are the temporal credit …

Context Transfer in Reinforcement Learning Using Action‐Value Functions

A Mousavi, B Nadjar Araabi… - Computational …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper discusses the notion of context transfer in reinforcement learning tasks. Context
transfer, as defined in this paper, implies knowledge transfer between source and target …

Fast and efficient reinforcement learning with truncated temporal differences

P Cichosz, JJ Mulawka - Machine Learning Proceedings 1995, 1995 - Elsevier
The problem of temporal credit assignment in reinforcement learning is typically solved
using algorithms based on the methods of temporal differences TD (λ). Of those, Q-learning …

[PDF][PDF] Learning from undiscounted delayed rewards

M Kaiser, M Riepp - 9. Fachgruppentreffen der GI Fachgruppe 1.1. 3 …, 1996 - Citeseer
The general framework of reinforcement learning has been proposed by several
researchers for both the solution of optimization problems and the realization of adaptive …

Cognitive modeling with context sensitive reinforcement learning

C Balkenius, S Winberg - … of AILS 04 (Report/Lund Institute of …, 2004 -
We describe how a standard reinforcement learning algorithm can be changed to include a
second contextual input that is used to modulate the learning in the original algorithm. The …

Reinforcement learning by truncating temporal differences

P Cichosz - 1998 -
The paradigm of reinforcement learning provides an appealing framework for developing
intelligent adaptive systems. The learner interacts with a possibly unknown and stochastic …

Time limits in reinforcement learning

F Pardo, A Tavakoli, V Levdik… - … on Machine Learning, 2018 -
In reinforcement learning, it is common to let an agent interact for a fixed amount of time with
its environment before resetting it and repeating the process in a series of episodes. The …

Two steps reinforcement learning

F Fernández, D Borrajo - International Journal of Intelligent …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
When applying reinforcement learning in domains with very large or continuous state
spaces, the experience obtained by the learning agent in the interaction with the …

Theoretical and empirical analysis of reward shaping in reinforcement learning

M Grzes, D Kudenko - 2009 International Conference on …, 2009 -
Reinforcement learning suffers scalability problems due to the state space explosion and the
temporal credit assignment problem. Knowledge-based approaches have received a …