Group preference aggregation rules based on strength of preference

JS Dyer, RK Sarin - Management Science, 1979 -
In many decision problems, the consequences of an action may impact several individuals,
and the decision may be based on the preferences of those who are affected. The rule for …

Relative risk aversion

JS Dyer, RK Sarin - Management science, 1982 -
An individual's preference for risky alternatives is influenced by the strength of preference he
feels for the consequences and his attitude toward risk taking. Conventional measures of …

Risk sharing and group decision making

J Eliashberg, RL Winkler - Management Science, 1981 -
In a decision-making problem where a group will receive an uncertain payoff which must be
divided among the members of the group, the ultimate payoff of interest is the vector of …

A group preference axiomatization with cardinal utility

RL Keeney - Management Science, 1976 -
Given a group composed of N individuals and given that each has rated all of the
alternatives using a cardinal utility function, the problem is to aggregate these to obtain a …

A preference aggregation method through the estimation of utility intervals

YM Wang, JB Yang, DL Xu - Computers & Operations Research, 2005 - Elsevier
In this paper, a preference aggregation method is developed for ranking alternative courses
of actions by combining preference rankings of alternatives given on individual criteria or by …

Group decisions with multiple criteria

M Baucells, RK Sarin - Management Science, 2003 -
We consider a decision problem where a group of individuals evaluates multiattribute
alternatives. We explore the minimal required agreements that are sufficient to specify the …

An interactive procedure for multi-attribute group decision making with incomplete information

SH Kim, CH Han - Computers & Operations Research, 1999 - Elsevier
This paper presents an interactive procedure to aggregate each group member's
preferences when each group member articulates his or her preference information …

A theorem for Bayesian group decisions

RL Keeney, R Nau - Journal of risk and Uncertainty, 2011 - Springer
This paper presents a natural extension of Bayesian decision theory from the domain of
individual decisions to the domain of group decisions. We assume that each group member …

Preference–approval structures in group decision making: Axiomatic distance and aggregation

Y Dong, Y Li, Y He, X Chen - Decision Analysis, 2021 -
Preference–approval structure combines the preference information of both ranking and
approval, which extends the ordinal preference model by incorporating two categories of …

[HTML][HTML] Capturing group preferences in a multicriteria decision

RF Easley, JS Valacich, MA Venkataramanan - European Journal of …, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper examines the extent to which methods used for analyzing judgments from a
group of decision makers result in preference rankings which are consistent with the group …