Customizable fault tolerance forwide-area replication

Y Amir, B Coan, J Kirsch, J Lane - 2007 26th IEEE International …, 2007 -
Constructing logical machines out of collections of physical machines is a well-known
technique for improving the robustness and fault tolerance of distributed systems. We …

Scaling byzantine fault-tolerant replication towide area networks

Y Amir, C Danilov, J Kirsch, J Lane… - … and Networks (DSN' …, 2006 -
This paper presents the first hierarchical Byzantine fault-tolerant replication architecture
suitable to systems that span multiple wide area sites. The architecture confines the effects …

Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication with twin virtual machines

F Dettoni, LC Lung, M Correia… - 2013 IEEE Symposium …, 2013 -
The reliability and availability of distributed services can be ensured using replication. We
present an architecture and an algorithm for Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine …

Active replication at (almost) no cost

A Martin, C Fetzer, A Brito - 2011 IEEE 30th International …, 2011 -
MapReduce has become a popular programming paradigm in the domain of batch
processing systems. Its simplicity allows applications to be highly scalable and to be easily …

Abstractions for devising Byzantine-resilient state machine replication

A Doudou, B Garbinato… - Proceedings 19th IEEE …, 2000 -
State machine replication is a common approach for making a distributed service highly
available and resilient to failures, by replicating it on different processes. It is well known …

How to select a replication protocol according to scalability, availability and communication overhead

R Jiménez-Peris, M Patiño-Martínez… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2001 -
Data replication is playing an increasingly important role in the design of parallel information
systems. In particular, the widespread use of cluster architectures in high-performance …

Proactive Recovery in a {Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant} System

M Castro, B Liskov - Fourth Symposium on Operating Systems Design …, 2000 -
This paper describes an asynchronous state-machine replication system that tolerates
Byzantine faults, which can be caused by malicious attacks or software errors. Our system is …

Zzyzx: Scalable fault tolerance through Byzantine locking

J Hendricks, S Sinnamohideen… - 2010 IEEE/IFIP …, 2010 -
Zzyzx is a Byzantine fault-tolerant replicated state machine protocol that outperforms prior
approaches and provides near-linear throughput scaling. Using a new technique called …

A hierarchical asynchronous replication protocol for large scale systems

N Adly, M Nagi, J Bacon - … 1993 IEEE Workshop on Advances in …, 1993 -
The authors present a new asynchronous replication protocol that is especially suitable for
wide area and mobile systems, and allows reads and writes to occur at any replica. Updates …

Steward: Scaling byzantine fault-tolerant replication to wide area networks

Y Amir, C Danilov, D Dolev, J Kirsch… - … on Dependable and …, 2008 -
This paper presents the first hierarchical byzantine fault-tolerant replication architecture
suitable to systems that span multiple wide-area sites. The architecture confines the effects …