Discrete optimal design using a genetic algorithm

DE Grierson, WH Pak - Topology design of structures, 1993 - Springer
A genetic algorithm is applied for the optimal design of skeletal building structures
accounting for discrete sizing, geometrical and topological variables. An approximate fitness …

Optimal sizing, geometrical and topological design using a genetic algorithm

DE Grierson, WH Pak - Structural optimization, 1993 - Springer
A genetic algorithm is applied for the optimal design of skeletal building structures
accounting for discrete sizing, geometrical and topological variables. An approximate …

Genetic algorithms as an approach to configuration and topology design

CD Chapman, K Saitou, MJ Jakiela - 1994 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The genetic algorithm, a search and optimization technique based on the theory of natural
selection, is applied to problems of structural topology design. An overview of the genetic …

Genetic algorithms for design

J Miles - Advances of soft computing in engineering, 2010 - Springer
The chapter covers two main areas, these being an introduction to the technology and
techniques associated with genetic algorithms and then the second part looks at how …

Genetic algorithms in structural topology optimization

P Hajela, E Lee, CY Lin - Topology design of structures, 1993 - Springer
The present paper describes the use of a stochastic search procedure that is the basis of
genetic algorithms (GA), in developing near-optimal topologies of load bearing truss …

Multiple optimum size/shape/topology designs for skeletal structures using a genetic algorithm

RJ Balling, RR Briggs, K Gillman - Journal of structural engineering, 2006 - ascelibrary.org
A genetic algorithm is presented that can simultaneously optimize size, shape, and topology
of skeletal structures, including both trusses and frames. The algorithm is unique because it …

Genetic algorithms as an approach to configuration and topology design

CD Chapman, K Saitou… - … and Information in …, 1993 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Abstract The Genetic Algorithm, a search and optimization technique based on the theory of
natural selection, is applied to problems of structural topology optimization. Given a …

Towards structural optimization via the genetic algorithm

WM Jenkins - Computers & Structures, 1991 - Elsevier
The paper describes an investigation into the application of the genetic algorithm in the
optimization of structural design. Stochastic processes generate an initial population of …

Continuum structural topology design with genetic algorithms

MJ Jakiela, C Chapman, J Duda, A Adewuya… - Computer Methods in …, 2000 - Elsevier
The genetic algorithm (GA), an optimization technique based on the theory of natural
selection, is applied to structural topology design problems. After reviewing the GA and …

[PDF][PDF] Structural topology optimization via the genetic algorithm

CD Chapman - 1994 - dspace.mit.edu
The genetic algorithm, a search and optimization technique based on the theory of natural
selection, is applied to problems of structural topology optimization. Given a structure's …