A new stream of international law scholarship

D Kennedy - Wis. Int'l LJ, 1988 - HeinOnline
Relations, not only for the invitation to deliver these lectures, but also for the opportunity to
reflect on this collection of critical projects. Although I am glad for the encouragement to …

Critical legal studies in public international law

N Purvis - Harv. Int'l. LJ, 1991 - HeinOnline
Academia must have seemed an exciting place for international legal theorists in the 1950s.
For some thirty-five years international law had been isolated from the rest of intellectual life …

New approaches to international law: a bibliography

D Kennedy, C Tennant - Harv. Int'l. LJ, 1994 - HeinOnline
The European Law Research Center at Harvard Law School began this bibliography project
in the spring of 1993 as part of the background work for the" New Approaches to …

The new international law scholarship

J Goldsmith, EA Posner - Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L., 2005 - HeinOnline
The Limits of International Law sets forth a general theory of international law. 1 The book
rejects the traditional explanations of international law based on legality, morality, opinio …

Seeing beyond the limits of international law

PS Berman - 2005 - HeinOnline
If the 1990s were for many a time of optimism about the efficacy of international law and
legal institutions,'the first decade of the twenty-first century has brought a backlash, at least …

The 1998 Frankel lecture: Bringing international law home

HH Koh - Hous. L. Rev., 1998 - HeinOnline
It is an honor to deliver this Frankel Lecture, particularly in the company of two of my
intellectual polestars: Thomas Franck of New York University School of Law and Robert …

Theories about international law: prologue to a configurative jurisprudence

MS McDougal, HD Lasswell, WM Reisman - Va. J. Int'l L., 1967 - HeinOnline
Theories about international law, like the forms of action in Maitland's conception, have
unhappily the power of ruling us from their graves." There is a subtle interaction," wrote the …

Is there really law in international affairs

JR Bolton - Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs., 2000 - HeinOnline
It is hard to imagine a more desperately tedious-sounding topic than whether" international
law" is really" law." Practicing lawyers and legal academics, let alone normal people, may …

A Revisionist View of Customary International Law

PR Trimble - Ucla L. Rev., 1985 - HeinOnline
In the popular view international law is a charade-governments obey it only if convenient to
do so and disregard it whenever a contrary interest appears.'Thus the New York Times …

The sources of international law

D Kennedy - Am. UJ Int'l L. & Pol'y, 1987 - HeinOnline
INTERNATIONAL LAW International law devotes a great deal of attention to its sources.
Scholars have produced a large body of work about both the conditions under which …