A Ioana - Proceedings of the International Congress of …, 2018 - World Scientific
We survey some of the progress made recently in the classification of von Neumann algebras arising from countable groups and their measure preserving actions on probability …
S Vaes - Proceedings of the International Congress of …, 2010 - World Scientific
We give a survey of recent classification results for von Neumann algebras arising from measure preserving group actions on probability spaces. This includes II 1 factors with …
Consider a countable group Γ acting ergodically by measure preserving transformations on a probability space (X, μ), and let RΓ be the corresponding orbit equivalence relation on X …
S Popa - Inventiones mathematicae, 2006 - Springer
We prove that any isomorphism θ: M 0≃ M of group measure space II 1 factors, M_0=L^∞(X_0,\mu_0)\sigma_0G_0, M=L^∞(X,μ)σG, with G 0 an ICC group containing an …
Suppose that a countable group G acts freely and ergodically on the standard probability space (X, µ) preserving the probability measure µ. We are interested in several types of …
Abstract We obtain new Bass-Serre-type rigidity results for II 1 equivalence relations and their von Neumann algebras, coming from free ergodic actions of free products of groups on …
S Popa - Inventiones mathematicae, 2007 - Springer
We prove that if a countable discrete group Γ is w-rigid, ie it contains an infinite normal subgroup H with the relative property (T)(eg Γ=SL(2,Z)\ltimesZ^2, or Γ= H× H'with H an …
S Popa, S Vaes - Inventiones mathematicae, 2010 - Springer
We prove a “unique crossed product decomposition” result for group measure space II 1 factors L∞(X)⋊ Γ arising from arbitrary free ergodic probability measure preserving (pmp) …
We show that if G is a discrete group which does not have the Haagerup property but does have an unbounded cocycle into a C_0 representation and if G acts on a finite von …