Autonomic network management and cross-layer optimization in software defined radio environments

A Stamou, G Kakkavas, K Tsitseklis, V Karyotis… - Future Internet, 2019 -
The demand for Autonomic Network Management (ANM) and optimization is as intense as
ever, even though significant research has been devoted towards this direction. This paper …

Energy efficient SDN and SDR joint adaptation of CPU utilization based on experimental data analytics

B Chen, F Slyne, M Ruffini - ICC 2023-IEEE International …, 2023 -
In this paper we propose a hybrid softwarized architecture of Network Function Virtualization
(NFV) where Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Software-Defined Radio (SDR) …

Software defined cognitive radio network framework: Design and evaluation

Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub, A Doulat… - International Journal of …, 2015 -
Software defined networking (SDN) provides a novel network resource management
framework that overcomes several challenges related to network resources management …

Virtualization-based cognitive radio networks

M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, A Doulat… - Journal of Systems and …, 2016 - Elsevier
The emerging network virtualization technique is considered as a promising technology that
enables the deployment of multiple virtual networks over a single physical network. These …

Performance analysis of software-defined network approach for wireless cognitive radio networks

M Cicioğlu, S Cicioğlu, A Çalhan - 2018 26th Signal …, 2018 -
The software defined network (SDN) approach suggests a new network architecture as a
solution to network resource management problems. Cognitive radio network (CRN) …

SD-CRN: Software defined cognitive radio network framework

Y Jararweh, M Al Ayyoub, A Doulat… - 2014 IEEE …, 2014 -
Software defined networking (SDN) provides a novel network resource management
framework that overcomes several challenges related to network resources management …

Implementation of OpenFlow based cognitive radio network architecture: SDN&R

S Namal, I Ahmad, S Saud, M Jokinen, A Gurtov - Wireless Networks, 2016 - Springer
The static conventional network architecture is ill-suited to the growing management
complexity and highly dynamic wireless network topologies. Software Defined Radio …

HSDRAN: Hierarchical software-defined radio access network for distributed optimization

R Yu, G Xue, M Bennis, X Chen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
The drastic growth of mobile traffic greatly challenges the capacity of mobile infrastructures.
Dense deployment of low-power small cells helps alleviate the congestion in the radio …

Adapting downlink power in fronthaul-constrained hierarchical software-defined RANs

X Chen, Z Han, Z Chang, G Xue… - 2017 IEEE Wireless …, 2017 -
The proof-of-concept software-defined radio access network (RAN) is not flexible enough
due to the inherent delay and the necessity of high-capacity fronthaul links. We are hence …

Orchestra: A customizable split-aware NFV orchestrator for dynamic cloud radio access networks

AG Dalla-Costa, L Bondan, JA Wickboldt… - IEEE Journal on …, 2020 -
Dynamic Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RAN) is an emerging wireless architecture that
splits radio functions in a hierarchical cloud-based infrastructure. In Dynamic C-RAN …