Smart home surveillance based on IoT

L Nahar, MS Hossain, N Jahan, M Tasnim… - … Conference on Fourth …, 2022 - Springer
Internet of things (IoT) is a process of inter-networking of constitutional design, vehicles (also
referred to as “connected devices” and “smart devices”), and various objects—included with …

IoT based mobile smart home surveillance application

HM Erzİ, AA Aydin - 2020 4th International Symposium on …, 2020 -
With widespread of internet and communication technologies, various smart devices have
become reachable and controllable regardless of their geographic locations. The Internet of …

A cost-effective IoT based smart home application

M Oturak, E Dursun - … on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and …, 2021 -
The number of 9.9 billion active Internet of Things (IoT) devices in 2019 is estimated to reach
21.5 billion in 2025. In today's world, where we live in the Internet age very fast, the ever …

[PDF][PDF] Smart home automation system design based on IoT device cloud

M Ilyas, ON Ucan, Y El Mohamad - ICMI 2021, 2021 -
With the advancement and development of communication technology, the Internet of
Things (IoT) has become the focus of attention and attraction for many in terms of home …

Documentation on smart home monitoring using internet of things

SKHM Siddiqa, K Apurva, D Nandan… - ICCCE 2020: Proceedings …, 2021 - Springer
Internet of things is eventually a connection of many things and appending them into a real-
world environment by interconnecting them. These days, we get to come across a frequent …

Controlling smart home activities Using IoT

R Khalaf, A Mohammed, E Essa… - … Conference on Computing …, 2019 -
The fast development in the field of communications and semiconductors has led to
increasing the Internet of things (IoT) applications used in all areas of life (such as industry …

Advanced IOT Based Home Automation

S Parashar, M Zaid, N Vohra, S Kumar - International Journal for …, 2018 -
Traditionally electrical appliances in a home are controlled via switches that regulates the
electricity to the devices. As the world gets more and more technologically advanced, we …

Smart home monitoring and automation energy efficient system using IoT devices

K Suneetha, M Sreekanth - … Research in Data Engineering Systems and …, 2020 - Springer
Wastage of electricity is one of the main problems which we are facing nowadays. In home
and working areas, people will be engaged with too many activities. Sometimes, there might …

Smart home automation system methodologies-a review

P Sivagami, D Jamunarani, P Abirami… - … and Virtual Mobile …, 2021 -
Emerging network paradigm that connects billions of devices to the internet and to the users
to meliorate the facet of life of the people is IoT-Internet of Things. In IoT internet depicts inter …

Survey on Internet of Things based smart home

V Williams, J Immaculate - 2019 International Conference on …, 2019 -
Internet of Things (IoT) enables tiny sensors and actuators to be more accessible and
responsive. Researchers have applied IoT techniques in different domains such as health …