S Hernawati - Tawasut, 2015 - publikasiilmiah.unwahas.ac.id
This research is basically based on the phenomena that the Kiai (religious leader) has a significant role at the Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren). An effective leadership of Kiai …
M Lubis - Nuansa, 2015 - ejournal.uinfasbengkulu.ac.id
The objective of this research was to understand the pesantren educational management and building religious Islamic generation. The approach be used in research was qualitative …
A Halid - Ma'had: Journal of Pesantren and Diniyah Studies, 2024 - ejournal.lppdjatim.org
This article examines the leadership process in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in managing the production of excellent human resources. Superior pesantren resources are …
A Rahman - Journal of Social Science and Economics, 2022 - jurnal.istaz.ac.id
The influence of modernization that has an impact on all aspects of life. Many future generations are off track because they cannot face life's problems. Does not look at …
S Umayah, J Junanah - AZKA International Journal of …, 2021 - azjaf-staging.zakat.com.my
Pesantren, Islamic boarding school, as Islamic educational institutions by setting the main objectives of Islamic education is simply to generate the Santri (students) to explore religious …
AM Safarudin - COMPETITIVE: Journal of Education, 2022 - competitive.pdfaii.org
This study aims to determine the concept of Islamic boarding schools in general to find out the views of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid on the concept of advancing pesantren education. In …
This research presents the management system of Islamic boarding schools in increasing competitiveness in Jambi province. This research, which uses a qualitative approach with …