Development of XYZ University's Student Admission Site Using Waterfall Method

RM Firzatullah - Jurnal Mantik, 2021 -
The purpose for this research is to make a blueprint of State University Of Jakarta website for
admission of new students. This site using RestFul API Web Service technology that split in …

Application of Waterfall SDLC Method in Designing Student's Web Blog Information System at the National University: Application of Waterfall SDLC Method in …

EB Kristanto, S Andrayana, B Benramhman - Jurnal Mantik, 2020 -
Web Blog as a means of writing for several people, including writers. The design of this web
blog information system aims for students to make work in the form of articles about …

Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kinerja Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Dosen Ilmu Komputer Universitas Banten Jaya Berbasis Web

W Widyawati, A Fatoni… - Journal of Innovation …, 2020 -
According to Law article. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, Article 20
clearly states that universities are obliged carry out research and community service, in …

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Waterfall Pada Homestay Victory Jakarta

S Kurniawan, I Kholil - SPEED-Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan …, 2022 -
Various aspects of today's business can not be separated from information technology in this
era, which has an important role related to data, information to making appropriate and …

Application Development Design “How To Make Money Online” Using The Wartefall Method (Case Study: CV Satoeasa For Indonesia)

AS Prasandi, T Hardiani - Procedia of Engineering and Life …, 2021 -
CV Satoeasa is a organization engaged in training and consulting services in the context of
empowering and developing business actors. Satoeasa is supported by personnel who …

Aplikasi Sistem Penerimaan Siswa Baru SMK Taruna Bakti Cikarang Selatan Berbasis Web dengan Metode Rapid Application Develoment (RAD)

MYB Poso, NM Faizah, PK Karo - Design Journal, 2023 -
New student enrollment is a process that exists in government educational institutions such
as schools to help screen prospective students and incoming students who are selected as …

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Studi Kasus: Madrasahaliyah Al-Mansyuriyah Kanza Mekarjaya Tangerang

MA AS, NA Septiani - Jurnal Techno Nusa Mandiri, 2016 -
Academic information system design aims to facilitate the students, teachers and the subject
of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Mansyuriyah Kanza that previous long enough to know that …

Analisa Evaluasi Website Penerimaan Mahasiswa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Uat Pada Stmik Widuri

BRE Andrai, A Sani - Kohesi: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, 2023 -
Salah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki proses Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) dan
meningkatkan pelayanan kepada calon mahasiswa, maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang …

Analisis, Perancangan & Implementasi Aplikasi E-Commerce Berbasis Web Di Toko Abon Rojokoyo

M Isroni, D Setiawati, F Fariyono - JITU: Journal Informatic …, 2019 -
The title of this reseacrh is the analysis, design, and implementation of E-Commerce
applications with web contents in the Abon Rojokoyo store to support marketing and …

Rancang Bangun Digitalisasi Persediaan Barang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Waterfall

AA Solehudin, N Fariz, N Wahyu… - LOGIC: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2023 -
Penggunaan teknologi informasi di era digital pada saat ini sangat bermanfaat bagi para
pengusaha yang membutuhkan sumber informasi yang akurat, detail dan terperinci. Toko …