Effective usage of shortest paths promotes transportation efficiency on scale-free networks

WB Du, ZX Wu, KQ Cai - Physica A: statistical mechanics and its …, 2013 - Elsevier
With rapid economic and social development, the problem of traffic congestion is getting
more and more serious. Accordingly, network traffic models have attracted extensive …

Effect of adaptive delivery capacity on networked traffic dynamics

XB Cao, WB Du, CL Chen, J Zhang - Chinese Physics Letters, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
We introduce an adaptive delivering capacity mechanism into the traffic dynamic model on
scale-free networks under shortest path routing strategy and focus on its effect on the …

Enhancing traffic capacity of scale-free networks by link-directed strategy

J Ma, W Han, Q Guo, S Zhang - International Journal of Modern …, 2016 - World Scientific
The transport efficiency of a network is strongly related to the underlying structure. In this
paper, we propose an efficient strategy named high-betweenness-first (HBF) for the purpose …

Traffic dynamics in scale-free networks with limited packet-delivering capacity

HX Yang, WX Wang, ZX Wu, BH Wang - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics …, 2008 - Elsevier
We propose a limited packet-delivering capacity model for traffic dynamics in scale-free
networks. In this model, the total node's packet-delivering capacity is fixed, and the …

Traffic dynamics in scale-free networks with limited buffers and decongestion strategy

ZX Wu, WX Wang, KH Yeung - New Journal of Physics, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
We studied the information traffic in Barabási–Albert scale-free networks wherein each node
has a finite queue length to store the packets. It is found that in the case of the shortest path …

Traffic flow and efficient routing on scale-free networks: A survey

BH Wang, T Zhou - arXiv preprint physics/0609031, 2006 - arxiv.org
Recently, motivated by the pioneer works in revealing the small-world effect and scale-free
property of various real-life networks, many scientists devote themselves to studying …

Traffic dynamics based on a traffic awareness routing strategy on scale-free networks

D Wang, Y Jing, S Zhang - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2008 - Elsevier
By incorporating local traffic information into the shortest path routing strategy, we
numerically investigate the effectiveness of the traffic awareness routing strategy for scale …

Efficient routing strategies in scale-free networks with limited bandwidth

M Tang, T Zhou - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2011 - APS
We study the traffic dynamics in complex networks where each link is assigned a limited and
identical bandwidth. Although the first-in–first-out (FIFO) queuing rule is widely applied in the …

Optimal routing strategy based on the minimum information path

K Wang, Y Zhang, S Zhou, W Pei, S Wang… - Physica A: Statistical …, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a new routing strategy based on the minimum information path,
named the optimal routing (OR) strategy, to improve the transportation capacity of scale-free …

Congestion in different topologies of traffic networks

JJ Wu, ZY Gao, HJ Sun, HJ Huang - Europhysics letters, 2006 - iopscience.iop.org
In the present paper, we consider three different types of networks (random, small-world,
and scale-free) with dynamic weights and focus on how the characteristic parameters …