Returns to education: An updated international comparison

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative education, 1981 - Taylor & Francis
One of the first questions that was asked following on from what Mary Jean Bowman (1966)
described as the human capital revolution in economic thought, was: what is the profitability …

[引用][C] Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison

G PSACHAROPOULOS - Comparative Education London, 1981 -
Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

[PDF][PDF] Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative Education, 1981 -
One of the first questions that was asked following on from what Mary Jean Bowman (1966)
described as the human capital revolution in economic thought, was: what is the profitability …

[引用][C] Returns to Education: an updated international comparison

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative Education, 1981 -
Returns to Education: an updated international comparison | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学
研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学 …

[PDF][PDF] Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative Education, 1981 -
One of the first questions that was asked following on from what Mary Jean Bowman (1966)
described as the human capital revolution in economic thought, was: what is the profitability …

Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison.

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative Education, 1981 - ERIC
The author updates his 1973 comparative study of the" rate of return" literature with 13 new
country cases, revised figures for most of the original 32 countries, and further interpretation …

[PDF][PDF] Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative Education, 1981 - Citeseer
One of the first questions that was asked following on from what Mary Jean Bowman (1966)
described as the human capital revolution in economic thought, was: what is the profitability …

Returns to Education: An Updated International Comparison

G Psacharopoulos - Comparative Education, 1981 - JSTOR
One of the first questions that was asked following on from what Mary Jean B described as
the human capital revolution in economic thought, was: what is the of investing in the new …

Returns to education: an updated international comparison.

G Psacharopoulos - 1981 -
This paper updates earlier evidence by considering studies that have been conducted in the
past decade. The result of the updating is the addition of 13 new country cases and a …

[引用][C] Returns to Education: an updated international comparison

G Psacharopoulos - 1981 -
Returns to Education: an updated international comparison статистика рубрикаторы
типовая модель о проекте Мобильная версия Доступно журналов: 3 288 Доступно статей …