Sažetak Predmet ovog rada je opisati kvalitetu i razvoj hrvatskog gospodarstva, kako bi se dobila trenutna slika stanja gospodarstva. Ekonomska kriza proširila se na sve zemlje …
The main subject of this paper is to describe the quality and development of the Croatian economy in order to gain a current picture of the state of the economy. The financial crisis …
Predmet ovog rada je opisati kvalitetu i razvoj hrvatskog gospodarstva, kako bi se dobila trenutna slika stanja gospodarstva. Ekonomska kriza proširila se na sve zemlje svijeta, a …
The main subject of this paper is to describe the quality and development of the Croatian economy in order to gain a current picture of the state of the economy. The financial crisis …
The main subject of this paper is to describe the quality and development of the Croatian economy in order to gain a current picture of the state of the economy. The financial crisis …