Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li, X Li… - Nature, 2018 - nature.com
Varieties of RNA modification form the epitranscriptome for post-transcriptional regulation. 5-
Methylcytosine (5-mC) is a sparse RNA modification in messenger RNA (mRNA) under …

Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu… - …, 2018 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Varieties of RNA modification form the epitranscriptome for post-transcriptional regulation. 5-
Methylcytosine (5-mC) is a sparse RNA modification in messenger RNA (mRNA) under …

Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li… - …, 2018 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Varieties of RNA modification form the epitranscriptome for post-transcriptional regulation. 5-
Methylcytosine (5-mC) is a sparse RNA modification in messenger RNA (mRNA) under …

Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li, X Li… - Nature, 2018 - go.gale.com
Varieties of RNA modification form the epitranscriptome for post-transcriptional regulation
[1]. 5-Methylcytosine (5-mC) is a sparse RNA modification in messenger RNA (mRNA) under …

Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li, X Li… - Nature, 2018 - ideas.repec.org
Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation IDEAS home
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Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation.

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li, X Li… - Nature, 2018 - europepmc.org
Varieties of RNA modification form the epitranscriptome for post-transcriptional regulation. 5-
Methylcytosine (5-mC) is a sparse RNA modification in messenger RNA (mRNA) under …

Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li… - Nature, 2018 - econpapers.repec.org
EconPapers: Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation
EconPapers Economics at your fingertips EconPapers Home About EconPapers Working …

[引用][C] Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation

Q Shen, Q Zhang, Y Shi, Q Shi, Y Jiang, Y Gu, Z Li, X Li… - Nature, 2018 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Tet2 promotes pathogen infection-induced myelopoiesis through mRNA oxidation | CiNii
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