" SEC. 464. The general purpose of the National Institute on Deaf-42 usc 285m. ness and Other Communication Disorders (hereafter referred to in this subpart as the'Institute') is the …
SEC. 102.(a)(1) This Act authorizes funds for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government for fiscal year 1988 based upon two alternative levels of …
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the …
Congress finds that-(1) alternative dispute resolution, when supported by the bench and bar, and utilizing ey trained neutrals in a program adequately administered by the court, has the …
(4) To provide for the acquisition of private lands through exchange for inclusion in the Wilderness Area and the Cooperative Management and Protection Area.(5) To provide for …
VHA Act - Public Law, 2000 - niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu
Public Law 106–400 106th Congress An Act Page 1 114 STAT. 1675 PUBLIC LAW 106–400—OCT. 30, 2000 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—HR 5417: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 146 (2000) …
(4) To provide for the acquisition of private lands through exchange for inclusion in the Wilderness Area and the Cooperative Management and Protection Area.(5) To provide for …
The Congress finds that–(1) the Federal Government has a responsibility to promote the general welfare of the Nation-(A) by using Federal resources to aid families and individuals …
SEC. 3. IMPLEMENTATION.(a)(1) The Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may enter into a reciprocal agreement …