[PDF][PDF] " APPALACHIAN STATES LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMPACT" Preamble" Whereas, The United States Congress, by enacting the Low-Level …

RWP Act - Public Law, 1988 - uscode.house.gov
" Whereas, Under section 4 (aXlXA) of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act (42 USC
§ 2021d (aXlXA)), each state is responsible for providing for the capacity for disposal of low …

[PDF][PDF] 100th Congress

A Act - PUBLIC LAW, 1988 - history.nih.gov
" SEC. 464. The general purpose of the National Institute on Deaf-42 usc 285m. ness and
Other Communication Disorders (hereafter referred to in this subpart as the'Institute') is the …

[PDF][PDF] 100th Congress

A Act - 1988 - intelligence.senate.gov
SEC. 102.(a)(1) This Act authorizes funds for intelligence and intelligence-related activities
of the United States Government for fiscal year 1988 based upon two alternative levels of …

[PDF][PDF] 106th Congress

A Act - 2000 - gorgefriends.org
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the …

[PDF][PDF] 105th Congress

A Act - Public Law - ogc.altess.army.mil
Congress finds that-(1) alternative dispute resolution, when supported by the bench and bar,
and utilizing ey trained neutrals in a program adequately administered by the court, has the …

[PDF][PDF] 106th Congress

A Act - PUBLIC LAW, 2000 - winapps.umt.edu
(4) To provide for the acquisition of private lands through exchange for inclusion in the
Wilderness Area and the Cooperative Management and Protection Area.(5) To provide for …

106th Congress An Act

VHA Act - Public Law, 2000 - niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu
Public Law 106–400 106th Congress An Act Page 1 114 STAT. 1675 PUBLIC LAW 106–400—OCT.

[PDF][PDF] 106th Congress

A Act - PUBLIC LAW, 2000 - umt.edu
(4) To provide for the acquisition of private lands through exchange for inclusion in the
Wilderness Area and the Cooperative Management and Protection Area.(5) To provide for …

[PDF][PDF] 104th Congress

A Act - Public Law, 1996 - doi.gov
The Congress finds that–(1) the Federal Government has a responsibility to promote the
general welfare of the Nation-(A) by using Federal resources to aid families and individuals …

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the" Temporary …

S Act - PUBLIC LAW, 1988 - uscode.ecfr.io
SEC. 3. IMPLEMENTATION.(a)(1) The Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary of the
Interior, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may enter into a reciprocal agreement …