[HTML][HTML] Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo, I Ferre… - Veterinary …, 2016 - Springer
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution.

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo… - Veterinary …, 2016 - europepmc.org
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

[PDF][PDF] Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo, I Ferre… - 2016 - academia.edu
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

[PDF][PDF] Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor‑Cerrillo, I Ferre… - 2016 - buleria.unileon.es
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mecha‑nisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo, I Ferre… - Veterinary …, 2016 - hal.science
AbstractThe relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is
already known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the …

[HTML][HTML] Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes… - Veterinary …, 2016 - veterinaryresearch.biomedcentral …
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castano, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo… - Veterinary …, 2016 - search.proquest.com
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution.

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo, I Ferre… - 2016 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor-Cerrillo… - Veterinary …, 2016 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mechanisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …

[PDF][PDF] Experimental ovine toxoplasmosis: influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesion development and parasite distribution

P Castaño, M Fuertes, J Regidor‑Cerrillo, I Ferre… - 2016 - cyberleninka.org
The relation between gestational age and foetal death risk in ovine toxoplasmosis is already
known, but the mecha‑nisms involved are not yet clear. In order to study how the stage of …