Quantum mechanics and an ontology of intersubjectivity: Perils and promises

MA Pugliese - Open theology, 2018 - degruyter.com
Contemporary theology has realized the importance of integrating what we know from the
“new physics”-quantum mechanics and relativity theory-into the metaphysical and …

Quantum Mechanics and an Ontology of Intersubjectivity: Perils and Promises

MA Pugliese - Open theology, 2018 - ub16.uni-tuebingen.de
Contemporary theology has realized the importance of integrating what we know from the"
new physics"-quantum mechanics and relativity theory-into the metaphysical and ontological …

Quantum Mechanics and an Ontology of Intersubjectivity: Perils and Promises

MA Pugliese - degruyter.com
Contemporary theology has realized the importance of integrating what we know from the
“new physics”—quantum mechanics and relativity theory—into the metaphysical and …

Quantum Mechanics and an Ontology of Intersubjectivity: Perils and Promises

MA Pugliese - Open theology, 2018 - ixtheo.de
Contemporary theology has realized the importance of integrating what we know from the"
new physics"-quantum mechanics and relativity theory-into the metaphysical and ontological …

[PDF][PDF] Quantum Mechanics and an Ontology of Intersubjectivity: Perils and Promises

MA Pugliese - academia.edu
Contemporary theology has realized the importance of integrating what we know from the
“new physics”—quantum mechanics and relativity theory—into the metaphysical and …

[PDF][PDF] Quantum Mechanics and an Ontology of Intersubjectivity: Perils and Promises

MA Pugliese - academia.edu
Contemporary theology has realized the importance of integrating what we know from the
“new physics”—quantum mechanics and relativity theory—into the metaphysical and …