A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya, B McNally… - Resuscitation, 2017 - Elsevier
Objective To compare odds of survival to hospital discharge among pediatric out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients receiving either bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) …

A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database.

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya, B McNally… - Resuscitation, 2017 - europepmc.org
Objective To compare odds of survival to hospital discharge among pediatric out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients receiving either bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) …

[引用][C] A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya, B McNally… - Resuscitation, 2017 - cir.nii.ac.jp
A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
using the CARES database | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ …

A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya… - …, 2017 - ohsu.elsevierpure.com
Objective To compare odds of survival to hospital discharge among pediatric out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients receiving either bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) …

A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya… - …, 2017 - resuscitationjournal.com
Objective To compare odds of survival to hospital discharge among pediatric out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients receiving either bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) …

A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya… - …, 2017 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Objective To compare odds of survival to hospital discharge among pediatric out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients receiving either bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) …

[HTML][HTML] A comparison of pediatric airway management techniques during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the CARES database

ML Hansen, A Lin, C Eriksson, M Daya, B McNally… - …, 2017 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Objective To compare odds of survival to hospital discharge among pediatric out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients receiving either bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) …