Blendfuzz: A model-based framework for fuzz testing programs with grammatical inputs

D Yang, Y Zhang, Q Liu - … on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2012 -
Fuzz testing has been widely used in practice to detect software vulnerabilities. Traditional
fuzzing tools typically use blocks to model program input. Despite the demonstrated success …

BlendFuzz: A Model-Based Framework for Fuzz Testing Programs with Grammatical Inputs

D Yang, Y Zhang, Q Liu - Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 11th …, 2012 -
Fuzz testing has been widely used in practice to detect software vulnerabilities. Traditional
fuzzing tools typically use blocks to model program input. Despite the demonstrated success …

BlendFuzz: A Model-Based Framework for Fuzz Testing Programs with Grammatical Inputs

D Yang, Y Zhang, Q Liu - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust … -
Fuzz testing has been widely used in practice to detect software vulnerabilities. Traditional
fuzzing tools typically use blocks to model program input. Despite the demonstrated success …