As this Preface is being written, the twentieth century is coming to an end. Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the century of information, just as its predecessor is associated …
From the Publisher: Information theory and coding theory are two related aspects of the same problem: how to transmit information efficiently and accurately. This book provides a …
As this Preface is being written, the twentieth century is coming to an end. Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the century of information, just as its predecessor is associated …
Cuốn sách này là một tài liệu cơ bản cho lý thuyết thông tin và mã hóa. Phần đầu tiên tập trung vào lý thuyết thông tin, bao gồm mã giải mã duy nhất và tức thời, mã hóa Huffman …