Estimating the population coefficient of variation by confidence intervals

S Banik, BMG Kibria - Communications in Statistics-Simulation and …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Several researchers considered various interval estimators for estimating the population
coefficient of variation (CV) of symmetric and skewed distributions. Since they considered at …

[引用][C] Estimating the Population Coefficient of Variation by Confidence Intervals

S BANIK, BM GOLAM KIBRIA - Communications in statistics …, 2011 -
Estimating the Population Coefficient of Variation by Confidence Intervals CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis
CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

Estimating the Population Coefficient of Variation by Confidence Intervals

S Banik, BM Kibria - Communications in Statistics: Simulation …, 2011 -
Several researchers considered various interval estimators for estimating the population
coefficient of variation (CV) of symmetric and skewed distributions. Since they considered at …